The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 3
Jun 1990

LSCA Reauthorized

A five-year reauthorization of the Library Services and Construction Act was signed into law by President Bush on March 15, 1990. The legislation, HR 2742, is now PL 101254. Changes from the old act include increased emphasis in Titles II and III on preservation of library materials. Title II, Public Library Construction, is authorized for $55,000 for FY 1990 now, $5,000 more than before, and Title III, Interlibrary Cooperation, is authorized for $35,000 now, also $5,000 more than before.

State annual program for LSCA II must ensure that eligible projects "follow policies and procedures in the construction of public libraries that will promote the preservation of library and information resources to be utilized in the facilities."

Title III now provides for an optional statewide preservation cooperation plan and the identification of preservation objectives. States choosing this option must develop such a plan "in consultation with such parties and agencies as the State archives, historical societies, libraries, scholarly organizations, and other interested parties."

The plan must specify the methods by which the state library agency will work with such parties "in planning, education and training, coordinating, outreach and public information, and service programs to ensure that endangered library and information resources are preserved systematically."

The ALA Washington Newsletter, the source of this news, renders a valuable service in keeping the library community informed about legislative events.

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