The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 2
Apr 1990

Editor's Page

A Thank-you to Supporters

The subscription fees for the Abbey Newsletter and Alkaline Paper Advocate, and the prices charged for pH pens, do not cover all of Abbey Publications' expenses, because its mission is to respond to the information needs of the conservation and preservation community. When an opportunity arises or a need becomes apparent, it must be responded to at the time--not next year, maybe, if we have enough money. Donations to Abbey Publications make this responsiveness and flexibility possible. They also give some financial stability to what is still a shoestring operation. The editor and trustees want everyone who has given to this enterprise to know that their contributions have been gratefully received.

1990 Patrons ($100 and over)

The Bookbinder's Warehouse, Inc.
The New York Community Trust - James Talcott Fund

1990 Contributors ($25 and over)

M. Susan Barger
Julia Miller
D. H. Smith

Prices for pH Pens

We are now selling the new model purple-and-grey pH pens manufactured for us, to our specs, by the Sanford Corporation. These pens make a mark that is purple on any paper above about pH 6.7, and thus help to identify neutral and alkaline paper, which is more permanent than acidic paper, other things being equal. They are also available from University Products.

Our prices are:

1-2 $2.95 10-49 $2.40 Over 75: Inquire
3-9 $2.60 50-74 $2.20  


Attention Overseas Subscribers

Of all the ways to pay for your subscription, bank transfers (electronic deposits made directly to our bank account) are our least favorite. It costs us $10 each time. The bank tells us about the deposit but never tells us who sent it. In fact, they have no idea who sent it. So we have to let them sit for several months to see who complains that they haven't gotten their newsletter.

The cheapest and best way, if you can't send a check in US dollars or English pounds, is the international money order. I don't know what the procedure is in other countries, but in the U.S., the procedure is as follows--complex but cheap.

  1. Find out the exchange rate by calling an international bank or looking in the financial section of the newspaper, and figure out how much you have to pay in your own currency to make it approximately the right amount in the other currency. The rate changes all the time, but most recipients are not fussy about getting exact amounts.
  2. Go to the Post Office, fill out the form saying what the money is for and who it is going to. Pay the amount to the Post Office, plus $2 or $3 (their fee)--in cash. No cheeks accepted.
  3. Take your copy of the form home, copy it for your records, and mail it to the place in St. Louis, which sends it to the recipient. Money orders to Japan and Mexico can be sent directly to the recipient because the U.S. has agreements with them.

Ellen McCrady

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued eight times a year and has about 1200 subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. Checks may be made out in dollars or pounds, payable to Abbey Publications; send to 320 E. Center St.,-Provo, UT 84606 (801/3731598).

Full-time students and unpaid interns: $20
Individuals and uncomplicated orders from institutions: $35
Other orders from institutions: $45

Paid advertisements, except for job ads, are not accepted. Any notice that is appropriate and newsworthy will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received will be honored within a year of publication. A complete list of back issues is available.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, the Institute of Paper Science Technology Abstract Bulletin, and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts. All issues but v.1 #2 are in print, and each volume has its own index. Interim indexes are available on request.

The Editor encourages readers to photocopy freely from the Newsletter; but before making more than 20 copies of any part, permission must be obtained from the Editor.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation (tax ID #87-04,,36104). Its other publication is Alkaline Paper Advocate.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Copyright 1990 Abbey Publications
Circulation Manager: Janice Miller



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