Volume 14, Number 1
Feb 1990
- Bonnie Jo Cullison has resigned her position as Preservation
Librarian of the Newberry Library to continue her paper conservation
training. She can be reached at the Graphic Conservation Co., 900 N.
Franklin, Chicago, IL 60610.
- Mary (Mini) Lampert, formerly the Conservation Lab Supervisor at
the Newberry Library, has decided to return to the world of
advertising and is now employed at the Leo Burnett advertising
- Megan Hicks of Norman, Oklahoma, is doing her master's thesis on
the quality of paper in children's books and publishers' awareness
of paper quality. She welcomes communication from others who share
her interest. Her home phone number is 405/525-0612.
- Carolyn and Den Horton have moved from 610 Woods Cottage to 86
Medford Leas, Medford, NJ 08055.
- Lynn Newell is the new Head of Preservation at the Connecticut
State Library.
- Jane Pairo is SOLINET' s first Manager of the Preservation
Program. She was formerly Assistant State Archivist at the Virginia
State Library and Archives. Lisa Fox will now concentrate on her new
role as Program Development Officer.
- Nina Stawski has been appointed Preservation Librarian at the
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.
- Vanessa Piala is now working in the NEW s Office of
Preservation. Until December 1989, she was head of Preservation
Services at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries.
- Danielle Mihram, author of a two-part bibliography on
deacidification in the 1986 Restaurator, is now Head of
the Reference Department at the University of Southern California
Doheny Library.
- William K. Wilson received an Award of Merit from the American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) January 22 in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida "for continuing leadership in the development
and adoption of specifications and test methods for paper
permanency; and for service to the D 06 Committee on Paper and Paper
Products." Formerly of the National Bureau of Standards, he is now a
guest worker at the National Archives.
- John Perkins has left the Getty Conservation Institute and gone
to New Zealand, joining Vernon Systems Ltd. to work on development
of a collections management system, COLLECTION. He will adapt it to
address conservation management needs (in museums, probably, not
- Siegfried Rempel, formerly Manager of Conservation and
Preservation at the Canadian Center for Architecture, is now
available for consultancy for projects concerning museum
construction programs, cool and cold vault design, conservation lab
design and photo conservation and preservation issues. Terry Rempel
Mroz of Rempel Mroz Conservation, continues her collection surveys,
consulting on preservation issues, and book and paper conservation
from the same ad-dress in the Montreal environs. They can be reached
at 514/ 425-1706; fax 514/425-2118.