The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 14, Number 1
Feb 1990

Positions Open

Brigham Young University

The Harold B. Lee Library has an opening in the Conservation Laboratory for a faculty position at the Assistant Librarian level. Under the direction of the Library Conservator, the department seeks a member for a dynamic professional team to work in a well-appointed conservation facility in the care and conservation of unique book and archival materials from the Special Collections. The duties include conservation treatment operations, conservation liaison work with curators and collections, and department administration functions. As a library faculty member the conservator is expected to be involved in service, citizenship, and professional development activities within the university and the profession as a whole.

Qualifications: Broad knowledge and experience in the practical and theoretical problems of book and paper conservation, demonstrated through any combination of formal and/or informal training experiences, apprenticeships, internships or work experience. Preference will be given to applicants with actual work experience in a library conservation facility.

Salary negotiable depending on qualifications and experience.

Application: Please send resumes and names of three references to Robert Espinosa, 3008 HBLL, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602.

Museum of Modern Art, New York

The Museum of Modern Art offers a one year Mellon fellowship, beginning September, 1990. Stipend is $21,000 plus benefits. Details are contained in the AIC Newsletter, January 1990, or can be obtained from Antoinette King, Director of Conservation, The Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53rd St, New York, NY 10019. EOE m/f.

Northeast Document Conservation Center

The Northeast Document Conservation Center, located 20 miles north of Boston, has an opening for a book conservator. The position is available immediately. Applicants should be eager to treat a wide variety of bound materials and should enjoy working with others in a production-oriented atmosphere. They should have knowledge of a variety of bookbinding structures.

Salary is mid to high twenties, or negotiable for more advanced applicant. Please send a letter of intent, resume, and three references to Sherelyn Ogden, Director of Book Conservation, NEDCC 24 School St., Andover, MA 01810-4099.

Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College

The position for an experienced book conservator which was announced in the last issue of the Abbey Newsletter remains open. The position is for 2½ years, with a minimum salary of $20,000, depending on qualifications. For further details see AN Vol. 13 #8 (1989), or contact Cynthia Wales Lund, Assistant Curator, Kierkegaard Library, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057.


The National Library of Medicine (NLM) requires the services of a Contractor trained in hand book conservation techniques to work on-site at NLM, 40-80 hours per month, to do minor repairs to the rare book collection. Conservation services will include repairs to paper and bindings, pH testing, construction of phase boxes, clamshell boxes, and other housing, preparation of materials, and record-keeping for off-site conservation and microfilming. Demonstrated training and experience in simple hand conservation treatments are required. Request for Proposals (RFP) No. NLM 90-105/ RMC will be issued on approximately March 1, 1990. Copies of the RFP may be obtained by writing to the National Library of Medicine, Office of Acquisitions Management, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bldg. 38A, Rm. BIN17 Bethesda, MO 20894, Attn: Robin M. Cummings Contract Specialist. This acquisition is a 100-percent small business set-aside.

New York Public Library

Applications are invited for the position of Senior Conservator (Phased Treatment) in the Conservation Division of the Research Libraries. Under the supervision of the Head of the Conservation Lab, the successful candidate will assist in the design, implementation, and operation of a new phase conservation treatment and collections maintenance program. The program will address preservation needs of the general Research Library collections, including protective enclosure, archival processing and rehousing, collections storage and handling operations, collections maintenance, production encapsulation and reformatting, and other "phase" conservation activities for a wide range of materials. Initially will train and oversee 2-3 FTE in production of phase boxes, and work with the senior staff on a development plan for an addition to the Conservation Office designated for phase treatment and collection maintenance operations. Will recommend equipment, participate in hiring and training of new staff, assist in developing specifications and procedures for treatment, and perform treatment when necessary.

Qualifications: Applicant will have substantial experience in the field of conservation and will have a graduate degree in conservation from an accredited graduate training program or equivalent training and experience. Familiarity with the preservation problems of large research libraries, and experience in a production-oriented conservation treatment facility highly desirable.

Salary: $31,356. For immediate consideration, send letter of application and resume to: Francine Feuerman, The New York Public Library, Human Resources Department, 8 West 40th St., New York, NY 10018. EOE M/F.

National Archives and Records Administration

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is seeking an experienced, full-time conservator to implement and oversee preservation and conservation programs in the NARA regional archives system.

Qualifications: Candidates must have a minimum of one year of specialized experience at or equivalent to the GS-11 level., which has equipped then with knowledge of the theories, principles, practices, and techniques of archival and/or library preservation. Applicants will also be evaluated to determine whether they possess excellent conservation bench skills; ability to apply relevant technical information obtained through consultation or research and to impart knowledge to others through writing and teaching; and skills required to plan and monitor work flow, diagnose conservation and preservation problems, and assess the quality of work performed by staff or conservation vendors.

Responsibilities: Among other duties, the incumbent will be required to hire and supervise conservators to serve in regional conservation labs, design and implement a training curriculum for regional preservation technicians, edit a recurring preservation newsletter for the regional archives system, visit regional archives units and laboratories to assess and provide guidance on preservation and conservation matters, and represent NASA in public forums on issues relating to archival preservation. The position is located in the Document Conservation Branch, Preservation Policy and Services Division, within the Office of the National Archives, Washington, DC.

Salary: $35,825, GS-l2 level. Interested applicants nay obtain further information by contacting Norvell Jones or Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, 202/52-3-3300.- Copies of vacancy announcement NN-90-04B and relevant forms can be obtained from Dick Sullivan, 1-800/634-4898.

State Library of New South Wales

Responsibilities: Undertake repair/conservation of paper/ paper related items using approved conservation methods, processes and materials. Train conservation assistants.

Qualifications: Essential: Degree or diploma in materials conservation; or qualifications in other related field and two years conservation experience; or five years conservation experience. Knowledge of/experience in paper conservation; understanding of EEO principles. Desirable: Experience in a Library or Museum environment.

Salary: $27,984 range $30,242.

NOTE: No smoking in the workplace is State Library policy.

Inquiries: Alan Howell (02) 230 1679.

Applications to: The Recruitment Clerk, State Library of New South Wales, Macquarie St., Sydney 2000, Australia. Please refer to Position No. 144201 (Conservator, Grade 1, Preservation).

Closing date: 30 March 1990.

State Library of New South Wales

Responsibilities: Organizing/implementing work schedules related to State Library exhibitions and loans, including specialist conservation of pictorial materials.

Qualifications: Essential: Degree or diploma in materials conservation, or equivalent; 5 years experience in conservation; thorough knowledge of/experience in conservation of pictorial materials; proven planning and communication skills; understanding of EEO principles. Desirable: Experience in a Library or Museum environment.

Salary: A$31,371 range A$37,013.

NOTE: No smoking in the workplace is State Library policy.

Inquiries: Alan Howell (02)230 1679.

Applications to: The Recruitment Clerk, State Library of New South Wales, Macquarie St., Sydney 2000, Australia. Please refer to Position No. 144200 (Conservator Grade 2, Preservation).

Closing date: 30 March 1990.

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