The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 7
Nov 1989


Standards & Practical Guides


The following documents are available free of charge on request from PGI Unesco, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France. They are RAMP (Records and Archives Management Programme) studies and other documents of the General Information Programme of Unesco and UNISIST.

There are many others, all relevant to preservation programs. Write for the list.


The NHPRC (National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408) will send these documents out on request:

Annotation (the Commission's newsletter)
Federal Funding Opportunities: The Hand That Feeds (a brochure on funding possibilities for museum archives)
Historical Photograph Guidelines
Microform Guidelines
NHPRC Subvention Program: Guidelines
Records Program Fact Sheet
Records Program Guidelines and Procedures: Applications and Grants
State Assessment Report Fact Sheet

There are 11 others, not listed here.


Caring for Books and Documents, by David Baynes-Cope. 2nd ed. British Library National Preservation Office, 1989. 42 pp. The review in the Sept. 1989 Paper Conservation News is not very favorable: it is seriously out of date and omits much helpful information on document storage. It also contains questionable statements, e.g. that thymol has very low toxicity.


The Association for Information and Image Management is offering their standards for preservation microfilming as a set for $325. Contact AIIM Publication Sales, 1100 Wayne Ave., Suite 1100, Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301/587-8202).


ICCROM has begun producing didactic materials, and their first project is a kit on climate control, which includes:

an introductory manual
a student text/workbook, 700 pages long
a reference file with more than 70 articles, catalogs and leaflets
a guide book for the instructor
12 boxes containing experiments, instruments and sample objects (50 kg)

The information is broken down into 49 sections, with an exam at the end of each unit. This is available in French and Spanish, and an English translation is being prepared. The material can be used either as a teaching resource or as a self-teaching course, monitored by an instructor. (From ICCROM Newsletter 15, June 1989, which is now printed on 100% recycled paper.)


U.S. -Canadian Free Trade Agreement Manual, by Edward C. Norman. International Trade Information Systems, Atlanta, GA 30144. $19.95.

Bibliographies & Other Lists


Directory of Decorative Papermakers. Don Guyot and Katherine Loffler, ed. 1989. Order from Don Guyot, The Brass Galley Press, 3046 Hogum Bay Road, Olympia, WA 98507.


Canadian Guide to Rare Books, by Daniel Gauvin. 1989. Available by mail from Daniel Gauvin Editeur Inc., C.P. 603, Succ. D.-D.-N., Montréal, Québec, Canada H3S 2V3, for $40 Canadian. 217 pp., acidic. Paper. In French and English. Apart from the brief introductions to each section, this book is composed entirely of Useful Lists, many of them oriented to conservation and preservation. (The author is a rare book librarian and a bibliophile in Montreal, and used to be a bookseller.) There is a 12-page section on "Conservation, Preservation and Restoration of Paper and Leather Documents," and 35 pages in the back devoted to preservation organizations (list, with address and telephone), Canadian bookbinders and restorers, sources of conservation and disaster assistance, including freeze drying facilities, and sources of archival supplies and equipment. The addresses are pretty up to date and fairly accurate; the 1988 Useful Addresses list of the Abbey Newsletter has been incorporated, so it even includes TAPPI and the U.S. Office of Education! But every book like this which includes a lot of important addresses should really do a last-minute mailing, or make a last-minute phone call, to each one to make sure they are still there, before going to press. Nicely typeset and printed with care, but it will not be complete until there is an equally nice errata sheet to send out with future orders. Recommended.


1990 AIIM Bookstore, a publisher's catalog. AIIM also sells, through this catalog, a number of conservation and preservation books from SAA, ALA and other organizations or publishers. They are listed as if they were AIIM publications, a deplorable practice. No date of publication or edition number is given, and the price is higher than the publisher's by $4 or $5 on at least two books.


1989-1990 Competitive Grade Finder lists 746 brands of alkaline paper, by name and by use. Within each use category, papers are listed by quality/price level, together with acidic papers, a great convenience for people looking for an alkaline paper equivalent to the acidic paper they are using now. Much other information. $25 (US) or $30 (Can.) from Grade Finders, Inc., 662 Exton Commons, P0 Box 944, Exton, PA 19341. Quantity discounts. The Pocket Edition is even cheaper: $20.


A preliminary list of bond and xerographic alkaline papers is available from the Newsletter office for SASE. 99 items.


Gazette du Livre Medieval: Bulletin Trimestriel (C.N.R.S.C.E.M.A.T., 156 Avenue Parmentier, F-75010 Paris; 60 FF per issue) lists facsimiles of medieval books available for sale. The Spring 1989 issue has, for instance, references for facsimiles of Les Tres Heures du Dec de Berry (2 v.) and Dante's "Divina Commedia" mit den Illustrationen von Sandro Botticelli, and 10 others.

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