The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 7
Nov 1989


To the Editor:

The Preservation Librarian/Vendor Relations Discussion Group of the American Library Association has just completed a comprehensive glossary of preservation and conservation terminology which will be published in the near future in professional library publications as well as the archival materials supply catalogs published by the various manufacturers and distributors. One of the goals of the group is to insure that the information concerning various archival products published in the marketplace is both complete and accurate. We would be interested in knowing any problems of incompleteness or inaccuracy that exist in the industry and would like to hear from anyone who feels they may have been misinformed concerning purchased products. It is not the group's intention to test products, or to police or censure vendors. We simply want to help everyone understand the informational needs of the preservation specialist. Please send your information to the Committee Chair:

John Boral
c/o University Products Inc.
P0 Box 101
Holyoke, MA 01041

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