The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 6
Oct 1989

IFLA Resolutions

Robert Frase has forwarded three resolutions passed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Organizations (IFLA) August 24 in Paris. To be more exact, they were endorsed by three bodies: the IFLA Conservation Section, the IFLA Core Programme on Preservation and Conservation, and the US Association members of IFLA. All of then were on the use of acid-free permanent paper. The first and longest resolution was for IRA to urge its members to recommend strongly

to their governments that policies be adopted [to encourage] the use of acid-free permanent papers,

to paper manufacturers that supplies of acid-free permanent papers be produced for publishing and writing,

to publishers that they use acid-free permanent papers in books and other publications and indicate this fact in the publications themselves, in catalogs and advertising and in bibliographic materials; and

Be it further resolved that the International Publishers Association be urged to recommend to its national associations that publishers move to the use of acid-free permanent paper as rapidly as possible; and

Be it further resolved that the Director General of UNESCO be requested to incorporate this issue in the work plan of that organization, and as a first step to survey, monitor, and report on the present use of acid-free permanent papers and to promote their universal use in cooperation with national governments, the International Publishers Association and IFLA; and

Be it further resolved that this Resolution be sent on an expedited basis to IFLA members and to the Director General of UNESCO, the President and Secretary General of the International Publishers Association, Directors of national libraries, and to ISO Technical Committee 46.

The second and third resolutions are given in full below.


Lack of an international standard for acid-free permanent paper is hampering the adoption of the use of such paper.

Therefore, be it resolved that ISO/TC46 move quickly to develop international standards for coated and uncoated acid-free permanent papers.


International organizations such as IFLA, ICA, UNESCO and other specialized agencies of the UN should set an example to their members.

Therefore, be it resolved, that IFLA adopt the use of acid-free permanent paper for its publications and documentation and urge the above mentioned organizations to do the same.

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