The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 5
Sep 1989

Support Group for Latin American Conservation Formed

On June 2, 1989, during the annual meeting of the American Institute for Conservation in Cincinnati, a meeting of conservators interested in conservation in Iberoamerica was held. This meeting was organized by Pablo Díaz Alvaro Gonzalez, José Orraca, and Amparo R. de Torres. More than 30 enthusiastic conservators from North America, Central and South America and the Caribbean were present. The participants expressed their interest in forming a support group to promote conservation and help conservators in Iberoamerica and the Caribbean.

Several important projects were identified by the group and priority was given to the following:

Conservation in Iberoamerica today: The current status of conservation in Iberoamerica and the Caribbean should be investigated. Also, the individuals and organizations from that area who are involved in conservation today should be identified.

Publications: Basic literature on preventive conservation and general collections care written in other languages should be identified and translated into Spanish and Portuguese. The publications already in Spanish and Portuguese should be identified.

Materials: Conservation materials should be identified that are appropriate for use when carrying out conservation projects in developing countries. Also a list of suppliers and manufacturers should be compiled.

Training: The need for basic training was identified and suggestions were made that this matter be addressed in the future.

Network: A network of conservators living in the USA should be formed. The objective of this network would be to help colleagues visiting from Iberoamerican countries, establish contacts to visit conservation laboratories and conservation materials suppliers.

The following is a list of the committees formed to carry out those projects:

* Steering Committee:

This committee will work on developing the bylaws and articles for incorporation, and a list of possible names for the association. This list will be submitted to the participants for their consideration. This committee will also coordinate the activities of the other committees. Members:

José Orraca, Chairperson
Pablo Díaz
Anton Rajer
Alvaro Gonzales
Kathleen Dardes
Amparo R. de Torres
Diane van der Reyden

* Committee to identify the status of conservation in Iberoamerica:

This committee will compile a resource list of individuals, foundations and organizations at the national level in every country of Iberoamerica and the Caribbean who are working in conservation now. Members:

Kathleen Dardes, Chairperson
Elizabeth Cornu
Jeff Maish
T. Rose Holdcraft
Virginia Tucker

* Committee to identify literature published in other languages for translation into Spanish and Portuguese:

This committee will contact conservators from the different specialty groups to help identify the publications most useful and appropriate in basic collections care and preventive conservation. The starting point will be the bibliography on collections care already compiled for the National Institute for Conservation by A. R. de Torres.


Amparo R. de Torres, Chairperson
Mary Baker
Anton Rajer
Sylvia Rodgers Albro

* Committee to identify materials and supplies most appropriate and feasible for use in Iberoamerica:

This committee will study the availability and cost of materials for conservation, to identify the materials most appropriate for use in developing countries. Members:

Diane van der Reyden, Chairperson
José Orraca
Kathleen Dardes

The group also decided to promote membership in this association among conservators from Spain and Portugal.

The individuals who attended the meeting and who are willing to help promote this idea, as outlined, are listed below. Please send us any suggestions or comments.

For more information please contact:

Pablo Díaz 312/702-8901
Alvaro Gonzalez 202/466-4866 (W)
301/270-2336 (H)
José Orraca 212/879-5490
Amparo de Torres 301/340-8209


Mary T. Baker
Timothy Burica
Josepha Caraher
Elisabeth Cornu
Kathleen Dardes
Pablo R. Díaz
Elizabeth Estabrook
Jane K. Freeman
Alvaro Gonzalez
Maria Grandinette
Sharlane T. Grant
T. Rose Holdcraft
Mimi Leveque
Jeff P. Maish
José Orraca
Eneida Parrera
Lidia V. Quigley
Anton Rajer
Patrick Ravines
Sylvia Rodgers Albro
Carlos Rua
Angel D. Santiago
Catherine Sease
Angelica M. Sens
James Swope
Hanna Szczepanowska
Amparo Rueda de Torres
Virginia Tucker
Diane van der Reyden
Angela Teixeira Van Slyke

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