The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 4
Jul 1989

Obituary: Douglas Everson

Douglas Everson, known for many years as Br. Laurence Everson, died in a bicycle accident in Boston on May 30. Br. Laurence first learned bookbinding from Ivan Ruzicka at Impressions Workshop in Boston, and later studied with Arno Werner. From 1971 to 1986 he lived and worked at the Weston Priory in Vermont. He left the monastery in 1986, married, and moved back to Boston where he worked first at the Harcourt Bindery and, most recently, at the Boston Public Library.

He was an accomplished binder with a particular feel for early books, and many examples of his work are to be found at Harvard's Houghton Library and the Hare Book Department of the Boston Public Library. He was a remarkably kind and generous man whose loss is greatly felt. He is survived by his wife Brenda Everson, of 52 Augustus Ave., Roslindale, MA 02131.

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