The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 13, Number 2
May 1989

Editor's Page

Price Of Back Issues

The complete set of back issues, 1975-1988, now costs $263. As of June 1, the price will be $302.80, and the price of individual issues will be based on the number of pages, at the rate of 27 per page. A new price list for hack issues will be issued later.

Faster Communication

To fax things to the Newsletter, send it to the Kinko's copy center down the street and give the Newsletter's telephone number to them so they will be sure to call us to pick it up. Kinko's fax number is 801/373-2934. They are open late on weekdays, and they leave their fax machine on all the time, whether they are there or not. The Newsletter's telephone number is 801/373-1598.

To send things by electronic mail, send them to Walter Henry at xb.k98@stanford or to Robert Espinosa at rje@byulib.bitnet. They will forward them to the Abbey Newsletter. We are still setting up the system, but it should be running smoothly in a few weeks.

Thank You

During 1988, Abbey Publications (which includes the Abbey Newsletter and the Alkaline Paper Advocate) received a total of $3962, or 7.6% of total income, in gifts, which the Editor and Trustees acknowledge with gratitude:

Gifts of $1000 and over

Goldsmith-Perry Philanthropies
Document Reprocessors

Gifts of $100 and over

Susan Swartzburg

Gifts of $10 and over

Julia Miller
Linda Nainis
Gerard Piel
Robert L. Snow
Ann Swartzell
William K. Wilson

Financial Report

We have been playing around on the computer and can now give a graphic presentation of revenue and expenditures from 1988:

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued eight tines a year and has about 1050 subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send $35 (full-tine students and unpaid interns $20), or the equivalent in � sterling to Abbey Publications, 320 E. Center, Provo, UT 84606 (801/373-1598). Checks in U.S. dollars from abroad must bear the name of an American bank on the front.

No paid advertisements are accepted, except from advertising agencies placing job ads. Any notice that is appropriate and newsworthy will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received, or received in damaged condition, will be honored within a year of publication. A complete list of back issues, useful for claiming, is available.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, the Institute of Paper Chemistry Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (RET). All issues but v.1 #2 are in print.

The Editor encourages readers to copy and pass around any article or issue of the Newsletter; but before making more than 20 copies of any part, permission must be obtained from the Editor.

Abbey Publications is a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation (tax ID # 87-0436104). Its other publication is Alkaline Paper Advocate.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Copyright 1988 Abbey Publications

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