The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 12, Number 8
Dec 1988

Products & Services

Both Real And Imitation L2 Tissue On Market

Simon Green wrote in October as follows: "When a dealer in Washington, DC recently complained about a batch of lens tissue to our former US importers he was assured it was the same as it always had been. As a result, he complained to us at Barcham Green, and we found out that it wasn't our paper at all but an imitation that our importers had substituted for the genuine L2 Tissue. They claimed L2 Tissue was no longer in production.

"We have had the imitation tissue tested and found that it differed from genuine L2 Tissue in many ways, and in particular it contained 30% wood pulp. L2 Tissue is of course 100% abaca (manila hemp).

"12 Tissue is still made exclusively for us in the north of England and we are continuing to market it worldwide. We are currently establishing a network of stockists throughout North America and would be happy to let readers have a list of these stockists on request."

Barcham Green & Co.'s address is Hayle Mill, Maidstone, Kent, England ME15 6XQ.

For Sale By Owner

Tools & Equipment

Nicholas Yeager wrote in November, "Paste straining can be a mess, and one often strains more than is needed for a particular task. Grace Owen, a Columbia student now doing her internship with Nicholas Pickwoad, came across a device that solves this problem. A spice grinder called a Deering has a screen, rotation handle top and receptacle at bottom to gather the paste. Adam's Apple Distributing in Chicago is the sole distributor of the spice grinder. Each grinder comes equipped with two screens: medium and fine. The dish at bottom also has a top so that the paste can be covered when not in use. There are two sizes of grinder, the smaller of the two capable of straining about two ounces of paste and the larger about five ounces. The wholesale cost is $18.75 for the smaller one, but the markup doesn't seem to be too much. If you want to try to get one locally, try a gourmet supply store or a drug paraphernalia shop ("head shop"), as they are often used to grind cocaine or other particulate drugs. Or so we were told by the head shop sales clerk. Adams Apple Distributing Co. is at 5100 N. Ravenswood, Chicago, IL 60640 (312/275-7800 and 800/621-4044)." The distributor also contacted this office, and said that Linda Fagen and Marc Reeves each had one.


Paula Kennedy of the Seattle Public Library writes, "We are looking for a used hoard scoring machine at a good price. If anyone knows where we could purchase one, please call us at 206/386-4183 or write us at Acquisitions/Documents Dept., Seattle Public Library, 1000 4th Ave., Seattle, WA 98104. You can contact either Nancy Little or Paula Kennedy."

Suppliers Show Wares At Local Meeting

As part of the annual "show and tell" meeting of the Hand Bookbinders of California, two suppliers brought leather, marbled papers and Victorian bookcloths for the members to examine. Karen Crisalli of The Bookbinder's Warehouse showed Hewitt calf skins and sheepskins, and a variety of vellum skins, including transparent and plaid ones. Mr. and Mrs. William Tomlinson of Bookcraft Suppliers brought Harmatan goatskins, a calfskin, marbled papers and bookcloths.

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