The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 12, Number 3
Mar 1988


Professional Publications


Judith Hofenk de Graaff, "The Development of Standard Specification for Permanent Records in the Netherlands." A paper delivered at the ICOM Committee for Conservation meeting in Sydney last September. The author inquired among colleagues in many countries, and found that only Sweden and Finland had well-organized, government-controlled standard specs for printing, writing and copy papers. All Scandinavian countries were expected to standardize a shared set of test methods and specifications for permanent records in 1987. In Italy the government has set mandatory standards for museum board. In West Germany, the Bundesanstalt für Material Prüfung have some specifications for permanent documents and copies.

There is a short discussion on aging methods, and the specifications that will probably be adopted in the Netherlands are given, citing mostly TAPPI and ASTM standards and methods. The Working Group on Permanent Records will ask the government for a royal decree that will make them mandatory. The author's address is: Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science, Gabriël Metsustraat 8, 1071 FA Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


"Why GPO Should Use Alkaline Paper," by Linda Nainis, Charles Kalina, Carolyn Morrow Manns, Jan Merrill-Oldham and others. Alkaline Paper Advocate 1(2) March 1988, p. 13-16.


Last October's Seminar on Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding is being reported in installments and in detail in the Guild of Book Workers Newsletter. The February issue carries a report by Elaine Schlefer on Bruce Levy's presentation on leather rebacking and a report by Sherelyn Ogden on the Rummonds/Jensen session on collaboration of printers and binders on edition binding.


"Praktische Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung von Trypsin," by Andréa Giovannini (Werkstatt für Konservierung und Restaurierung von Büchern, Stalden 14, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland). Restauro, Jan. 1988, p. 8. Reports research to determine the optimal pH and temperature for use of trypsin to remove adhesives in conservation. A pH of 6.1 worked just as well as 8.1; a temperature range of 25°-40°C seemed best. Different means of inactivation are discussed. (This paper was originally in French, and was translated for publication in Restauro.)

This same issue contains two articles on biodeterioration: "Warn droht Insekten- und Schimmelbefall?" which describes conditions favoring the development of 10 common insects; and "Hygiene am Arbeitsplatz--Bakterien und Schimmelpilze," by Michael Pantke and Waltraut Kerner-Gang, a detailed and well-illustrated paper on mycosis and mycotic allergies, with recommendations for preventing infection. The second paper was given at the IADA meeting last year; write Herr Dipl.-Biol. M. Pantke, Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung, Under den Eichen 87, 1000 Berlin 45, F.R.G.


clemnewsletter 1, Dec. 1987, issued by the Istituto Centrale per la Patologia del Libro in Rome, is primarily about the Censimento delle Legature Medievali (Census of Medieval Bindings) ongoing in Italy, but it is open to contributions of all kinds on the (conoscenza - knowledge?), preservation and conservation of early bindings. For information and for copies of clemnewsletter, write CLEM-ICPL, Via Milano 76, 00184 Roma, Italy.

In the Abbey Newsletter's files of experts and translators, there is not one person who has volunteered to translate from Italian. Won't somebody give it a try? They can keep any material they translate. The translation can be done orally on a tape recorder, which goes very fast and need not be transcribed. Tapes supplied by the Editor.


Bericht über das 1. Wiener Symposion für Papyrusrestaurierung, 1984. H. Harrauer, ed. Vienna: Holzhausen, 1985. 78 pp. (Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussaimmlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, N.S., Folge, 19.)

Bibliographies & Other Lists


International Index on Training in Conservation of Cultural Property. Compiled by Cynthia Rockwell et al. Printed as a joint venture, Getty Conservation Institute and ICCROM, 1987. $10 from either organization (see List of Useful Addresses). 89 pp. Schools and institutions that give instruction are listed under each country. Information provided: name of contact person, nature of the course or program, subjects, duration of training, admission requirements, language, certificate or degree granted, and date of last update. There is a subject index in the back, which lists preservation administration training under "Environmental Control, Exhibition, Storage, etc." and "Inventory and Survey." There are over 30 places that teach "Paper--Books & Manuscripts," 14 that teach "Paper--Prints and Drawings," and two that teach "Photographs and Film." Information not given: cost of tuition and whether foreigners are admitted.


AT&T Toll-Free 800 Directory. Consumer Edition. $9.95. To order, call L.M. Berry & Co. in Ohio at 1-800-562-2255. Headings of interest: Air cleaning & purifying, Air freight & package express service, Attorneys, Books, Building inspection service, Consultants, Consumer information hot-lines, Convention & conference services, Convention & conference sites, Convention information bureaus, Copying machines & supplies, Craft supplies, Environmental consultants, Exterminating & fumigating, Fire protection, Fund raising, Government offices & agencies, federal & state, Information services, Laminating, Leather & leather goods, Legal services, Libraries, Lighting & lighting fixtures, Measuring devices, Motion Picture film libraries, Newsletters, Office supplies, Paper products, Printers, Publishers, Radon testing, Research service, Security systems, Speakers, Water purification systems, Water testing, and Waterproofing.

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