The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 12, Number 2
Feb 1988

Events in the News

"The Paper Chase: Strategic Developments in the Manufacture and Use of Alkaline Paper," a Touchstone Seminar for the paper, printing, and publishing industries, will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison March 29-31, sponsored by the General Library. System and the University-Industry Research Program. Speakers will include Jonathan Arney, Rolland Aubey, Terry Norris, Sandra Paul, Leonard Schlosser, William K. Wilson, Millicent Abell, Patricia Battin, William Welsh and 17 more. $295. Write Deb Reilly, General Library System, UW-Madison, 728 State St., Madison, WI 53706.

"Conservation in Archives: Current Dimensions and Future Developments," which will be jointly presented by the National Archives of Canada and the International Council on Archives May 10-12, looks like it will be a first-rate conference. Session themes have been announced:

Parchment: Its properties and its preservation

Paper: Optimum environmental conditions for long-tern storage; testing for permanence; methods of counteracting acidity and strengthening

Photographic records: Stability of pre-polyester film materials; stability and preservation of polyester films in photos and mag tape; photo deterioration and preservation; problems of motion-picture archives

Standards: National and international standards dealing with preservation and storage

Magnetic media: History & stability; old & new technologies Future automated technologies: Preservation & retrieval of archival records

Management: Preservation planning & allocation of scarce resources; safety & health; disaster planning & recovery

Sessions will be in English or French with simultaneous translation. For details see Coming Events.

The Parker Library of Corpus Christi College Cambridge will hold a conservation conference Sept. 18-21, to "celebrate the fifth year of the Parker Library Conservation Project." Librarians, curators and conservators are invited to hear discussions of ethical and technical aspects of the Project. �165. Write Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, CB2 1RH England.

The Guild of Book Workers' 8th Annual Standards of Excellence Seminar will be hosted by Chicago Hand Bookbinders at the Newberry Library, Oct 28-29. Presenters will demonstrate and discuss specific techniques related to hand bookbinding and other book arts. Contact Bonnie Jo Cullison at the Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton St., Chicago, IL 60610 (312/943-9090, ext. 440).

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