The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 12, Number 1
Jan 1988

Title II-C Grants

The Department of Education administers a $6 million grant program for libraries, of which 20%. went for preservation activities last year. "Title II-C" refers to a part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, called "Strengthening Research Library Resources Program." It used to be limited to major research libraries, but for the last seven years most libraries could qualify as long as they a) made a significant contribution to higher education and research, b) were broadly based and recognized as having national or international significance for scholarly research, c) were "of a unique nature," containing material not widely available, and d) were in substantial demand by researchers and scholars not connected with that institution. Activities funded include binding, rebinding and repairing books and other materials; photocopying; treating paper or bindings; hiring staff to carry out the projects; communicating with other institutions; performing evaluations; and disseminating information. Priority is given to preserving or maintaining unique research materials in danger of deterioration, among other things. Equipment may be bought on grant money to "make library materials available to users beyond the primary clientele." For an information booklet, write Anne J. Mathews, Director, Library Programs, U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Educational Research and Improvement, 555 New Jersey Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20208-1430 (202/357-6293).

The booklet gives names and addresses for each state, to which one is supposed to direct all inquiries; but if the people or offices named resist the whole practice and claim to know nothing about Title II-C, it is all right not to go through them. The directions in the booklet seen to be an attempt to conform to an obsolete or moribund law requiring coordination of the Department' s grants within each state.

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