The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 8
Dec 1987

Editor's Page


The price of Ink & Gall, the marbling journal, is not lower for institutions than for individuals, as announced in the July issue (p. 84). It is $20 for everyone.

This incident is an example of how one newsletter's typo can circulate around the country--or world--as a fact, because the Guild of Book Workers Newsletter ran the same mistaken figure. Other newsletters may even now be copying it from the earlier issues of both newsletters. We all copy from each other, even when we receive much of our news directly from the news source or from first-hand experience, because we have no wire service like regular newspapers have.

On p. 109 of the October issue, it was stated that the Columbia program has graduated only 15 preservation administrators since they began in 1981. Actually, there have been

18. The school has a list of them, with graduation dates, which it will send out on request. Write Conservation Programs, Columbia University, School of Library Service, 516 Butler Library, New York, NY 10027, or call 212/280-4178.

Yehudah Miklaf (formerly Seamas McClafferty), whose new address was given on p. 104 of the last issue, does not have a zip code. He does not live in Jerusalem 92105; he lives in Jerusalem, Israel. That was a second-hand typo, lifted without thinking from another newsletter. (He says, by the way, that his equipment has come, and he can "be a binder again!")

On p. 101 in the last issue, it says that Sally Buchanan went to Australia in 1975, but that's wrong. She went in 1985.

One Person Doesn't Do It All

Sometimes people say they don' t see how I can put out this newsletter all by myself. The answer is, I don't. There are two of us: me, a full-time editor, and Sherilyn Garrett, who works half-tine and manages circulation. Ms. Garrett, a student at Brigham Young University, has worked with the Abbey Newsletter for about 15 months.

Another Newsletter To Be Issued From This Office

In the next month or two, a new newsletter called the Alkaline Paper Advocate will be published form this office. It will go to paper companies, publishers, libraries and others interested in the matter of permanent paper as a solution to the continuing problem of deteriorating libraries and archives. To start with, it will be quarterly or irregular, and reprint some of the material that has already appeared in the Abbey Newsletter, to bring new subscribers up to speed. New subscribers will receive a free felt-tip pen filled with the pH indicator chlorophenol red.

Follow-Up: Alkaline Copy Papers

Follow-Up: Special Collections on Books & Paper

This continues a list that was published in the last issue.

16. Princeton University, Graphic Arts Collection (Dale Roylance, Curator; in the Firestone Library, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540; for information call 609/ 452-3175). Begun in 1940 by Elmer Adler, former head of the Pynson Printers and Museum of the Printed Word in New York. Includes the Dard Hunter paper collection (his books were all printed by Pynson Printers); large reference collections on calligraphy, illustration, printing and binding; and some 5,000 museum examples of arts of the book and artist's books of all countries, including the Orient. Many prints; large iconography collection. Griselda Warr, who works at Princeton, says they have a fine collection of fine bindings and are strong on the history of paper. Open 9 - S weekdays.

17. Thompson Conservation Laboratory (1417 N. W. Everett, Portland, OR 97209, 503/248-0046) has about 3000 items on a wide range of subjects relevant to book and paper conservation, especially papermaking, historical bibliography, paper conservation, design materials, and archaeology and ethnography. Open to the public by appointment; photocopy service is available but not interlibrary loan.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued eight times a year and has about 1050 subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send $35 (full-time students $20), or the equivalent in � Sterling to Abbey Newsletter, 320 E. Center, Provo, UT 84601 (801/373-1598).

No paid advertisements are accepted, but any notice that is appropriate and has news value will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues never received, or received in damaged condition, will be honored within a year of publication.

The Abbey Newsletter is selectively indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, the Institute of Paper Chemistry Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (RIT). It is not indexed in the usual periodical indexes because it is a newsletter. All issues but v.1 #2 are in print, and all volumes come with an index.

The Editor encourages readers to copy and pass around any article from the Newsletter, even entire issues; but before copying any part on a scale that amounts to republication (say 20 or more), they must obtain permission from both author and Editor.

Editor: Ellen McCrady Publisher: Abbey Publications
Copyright 1987 Abbey Publications  


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