The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 7
Oct 1987

Positions Open

Canadian Centre for Architecture

The Centre Canadian d'Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, a museum and study center, announces the availability of the position of Senior Conservator (Paper! Prints and Drawings) in the conservation and preservation department. This position has been assisted by a grant provided by the Museum Assistance Programmes of the National Museums of Canada.

The collection materials are of a thematic nature and include four distinct collections: Photography, Prints & Drawings, Library and Archives. The conservator hired will be chosen on the basis of his skills relative to the needs of the CCA.

This individual will report to the head of the Conservation Department and will be responsible for the conservation and preservation of the fine art collection components. Experience should include a minimum of seven years in conservation activities with general experience in paper conservation, as well as extensive experience in prints and drawings conservation.

Basic qualifications for this position: The individual should have successfully completed a graduate degree in paper conservation from a recognized university or have obtained equivalent experience in recognized conservation facilities with emphasis on paper conservation. Fluency in both official languages is required.

The salary offered is competitive and includes an attractive benefits package.

Submit your resume and references, in strictest confidence, by Oct. 30, 1987, to: Manager of Human Resources and Administration, Centre Canadian d'Architecture/Canadian Centre for Architecture, 2nd Floor, 1440 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal, Quebec H3G 1R8, Canada.

Historic New Orleans Collection

The Historic New Orleans Collection is a museum and research center of Louisiana material. Applicants should be experienced in treating a variety of paper works, including manuscripts and books. The conservator will be responsible for an overall conservation survey of the Collection's three divisions (curatorial, manuscripts, and research library) and for implementing a conservation plan. The recently completed lab, with over 1500 square feet, contains basic equipment and will need additional equipment and supplies to be selected by the conservator.

Applicants should have a degree from a recognized conservation program and a minimum of three years experience. Medical, retirement, and other benefits are provided. Send resume and salary requirements to Dode Platou, Director, Historic New Orleans Collection, 533 Royal St., New Orleans, LA 70130. [From the Sept. AIC Newsletter.]


The National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA), in cooperation with the Georgia Department of Archives and History, seeks a Project Director to develop, and field test, an archives preservation self-study process. The recently completed NAGARA State Archives Preservation Needs Assessment Project identified this self-study tool as the first need to be addressed to improve preservation programs in the nation's state archives. Specifically, this project as proposed will result in:

1) An archives self-survey preservation planning process and manual that can be utilized with a moderate commitment of funds and staff time by state archives and other archives repositories;

2) An archives preservation planning resource notebook containing published and unpublished materials that provide background information on archives preservation issues necessary for archives staff to successfully conduct, and implement recommendations from, a preservation planning study; and

3) Completed archives preservation action plans in five state archives, one manuscript repository, and one local government archives.

This two-year project will be based at the Georgia Department of Archives and History in Atlanta. The Project Director will be responsible to NAGARA's Preservation Committee for successful conduct and completion of the grant project, and to the Preservation Officer of the Georgia Department of Archives and History for day-to-day operation of the project. Specific tasks will include the following: 1) coordinate all project activities and scheduling; 2) research existing models; 3) consult with appropriate authorities; 4) gather materials for the resource notebook; 5) clear copyright provisions; 6) produce the resource notebook; 7) develop the self-survey methodology; 8) produce published self-survey manual; 9) supervise field tests consulting with archives staff at the field test sites, monitoring field test progress and evaluating plans developed by field test site personnel; 10) prepare project publicity information; 11) write articles on the project for professional literature; and 12) prepare reports for the funding agency and the NAGARA Board.

The ideal candidate for this consultancy will be experienced in both archival and preservation administration with the latter experience given greater weight. Salary will be $30,000-$35,000 depending on qualifications. This anoint is for a direct contract for services. The project director will function as an independent consultant and not as a staff member of either the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators or the Georgia Department of Archives and History. Extensive travel is required. Anticipated start date is April, 1988.

For additional information, contact Brenda Banks, Georgia Department of Archives and History, 330 Capitol Ave., S.E., Atlanta, GA 30334 (404/656-2374 or Howard P. Lowell, Oklahoma Department of Libraries, 200 N.E. 18th St., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105 (405/521-2502).

[NOTE]: Funding for this project is pending approval by the granting agency.

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