The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 11, Number 1
Jan 1987

Events in the News

The Friends of the Dard Hunter Paper Museum, Inc., met November 6-9, 1986, for their annual meeting in Appleton, Wisconsin. There were about 85 members present, and the meeting was a great success thanks to the organization by Doug Stone, Editor of the Friends Newsletter. Activities included tours to "wet felt" and "wire cloth" manufacturers for the fourdrinier machine; and a Show & Tell exhibit where members brought handmade paper, papermaking equipment, works of art, books, and Alabama kozo plants and seeds. In addition, there were a number of interesting and thought-provoking formal presentations and informal discussions, as well as open carousel sessions. Members also had opportunities to visit the Dard Hunter Paper Museum at the Institute of Paper Chemistry. The business meeting led to much discussion of the future of the Museum, and the following officers were elected to a two-year term:

Cathy Baker, President
Patricia Scott and Michael Durgin,
Vice Presidents
Joanne Hohler, Secretary-Treasurer

This year the Friends group was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization, and plans are underway to raise several million dollars for a new museum building. Inquiries about membership and donations should be addressed to:

Dr. H. S. (Doug) Dugal, Executive Secretary, Friends of the Dard Hunter Paper Museum, Inc., do Institute of Paper Chemistry, P0 Box 1039, Appleton, WI 54912 (414/734-9251).

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