Volume 10, Number 4
Aug 1986
- Jean Gunner, Bookbinder/Conservator to the Hunt Institute in
Pittsburgh for 14 years, is joining Ellen Owings to establish a
private studio offering bookbinding, book and paper restoration and
- David G. Vaisey was appointed Librarian of the Bodleian Library
in Oxford, England, where he had been Keeper of Western
- Sally Roggia has been named Preservation Project Specialist for
New Jersey's preservation program (see April issue of
AN, p. 18).
- Seamus McClafferty is now living in Jerusalem, Israel. Until he
gets a permanent address, mail can be sent to him at his old address
(Box 246, Station F, Toronto, Ont. M4Y 2L5) or to him c/o R. Binder,
38 Beit Ha'Aravah, Talpiot, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Tim Pyatt, author of "Conservation Project Preserves Moravian
Music Manuscripts" (CAN, July 1986), became Rare Book
Librarian at the University of Oregon August 1.
- Lynne Cheney, a former professor and a writer of fiction and in
the fields of American history, literature, culture and politics,
was unanimously confirmed by the Senate May 23 as chair of the
National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Margit J. Smith of San Diego is in the process of moving to
England and will send her new address when it is established.
- Hope Weil died on May 25 at her home in Bedford Village, New
York. The Guild of Book Workers will carry tributes from her friends
in the bookbinding community, in the next GBW