The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 10, Number 3
Jun 1986

A New School for Binders & Conservators

The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin plans to open an Institute of Fine Binding and Book Conservation in 1987. Two three-month sessions are planned, the first to begin in April with am emphasis on fine binding, and the second to start in July with a focus on book conservation. The program will expand in 1988 to three sessions. In addition to the workshop programs, visiting scholars and University staff will lecture and give practicums on a regular basis.

The Institute is intended to provide a locus for beneficial interaction for recognized experts and qualified students; and to encourage the perpetuation and development of the crafts of fine binding and book conservation.

Program participants must be skilled binders or book conservators intent upon reaching the highest levels of their craft. No tuition fees will be charged, so that students need only pay their individual living expenses. Interested and qualified applicants may request one of six positions available in either session or, if appropriate, in both 1987 sessions. To apply, send resume and vita to Frank Yezer, Conservation Department, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin, P.O. Drawer 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219. For further information, those interested may call Mr. Yezer at 512/471-9117.

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