The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 9, Number 3
May 1985

Supplies &c.

Column Editor: Robert Espinosa

For Sale By Owner




Computer Software for Conservators

A private company, Cypher-Tech, has begun to develop specialized conservation computer software called Artware (TM). They are creating a general package which will aid private and museum conservators with office/studio management and report writing. Artware will include systems for: files for information storage, recall and list generation according to owner, artist, type of treatment, deadlines, etc.; artwork inventory; work progress status; appointments; supply/ supplier lists; bookkeeping; cost management; contracts; billing; letters; reports; etc. Sample examination and treatment forms will be included; however, Cypher-Tech can also incorporate a conservator s own forms into Artware. The software is scheduled for release in late '85. It will he discussed at the pre-conference seminar of the IIC-CG, May 13-16 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, "Computer Technology in Conservation," which will issue a publication with important information on this subject.

Cypher-Tech is requesting suggestions, questions and comments from conservators regarding this project. Contact Sandra Blackard, Perry Huston & Associates, Inc., 7440 Whitehall, Fort Worth, TX 76118 (817/595-4131).

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