The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 9, Number 1
Feb 1985


The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ALA has a Collations Committee, which is interested in the way collation is done by book conservators. They know about Chris Clarkson's system, and Roger Powell's, of keeping track of the way a book was put together before rebinding; what they would like to find out is:

Which conservators are using a collation system?
What systems are being used?
Where do they come from?

Readers can communicate directly with Terry Belanger, 21 Claremont Ave., New York, NY 10027.

The same organization, RBMS, in a related action, has formed an ad hoc Committee on Curatorial Issues Raised by Conservation, which is concerned with how conservation treatment affects the work and information needs of curators. The committee is particularly interested in any ethical implications. Donald Farren, Associate Director of Libraries for Special Collections, University of Maryland/College Park, is the committee chair. Reports by the committee will be in upcoming issues of the RBMS Newsletter [which is received at the Abbey Newsletter office, so the reports will be reported]. The committee will next meet at the ALA Annual meeting in Chicago, July 6-11.

A search of the literature concerning curator/conservator issues is being conducted; copies of any inhouse documents (or material which is not mentioned in the literature) concerning this topic are requested by 30 May 1985. Please send then to Charlotte B. Brown, College Archivist, Library, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604.

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