The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 9, Number 1
Feb 1985

Editor's Page

Single-Topic Supplements Among the Back Issues



1/6 Suppl. Perfect-Binding (Routine Work)
5/6 Suppl. Hand Bookbinding Perspectives: a Survey, by Julia Miller
6/4 Suppl. Selection for Preservation

A Survey of Approaches, by Ellen McCrady

Deciding What to Save, by Margaret Child

6/5 Suppl. Current Trends: Notes from Two Recent Conferences

Second Annual PCLM Conference

TLA Conference: New Territory

7/2 Suppl. Education and Training

Craft Apprenticeship in Historic Site Museums by Gary Brumfield

Training in Paper Conservation, by E. McCrady

7/4 Suppl. Fumigation Conferences [three are reported]

A Simple and Practical Fumigation System, by Barry Byers

8/1 Pt. 2 Library Binding

The Preconference in L.A.

Guide to Drafting of Contracts

8/1 Pt. 3 Bookbinding Leather, with Two Translations from the German

Traditional Preparation of Leather and Vellum for Use in Bookbinding, by Karl Jaeckel. transl. by Doris Freitag

Leather Dyeing for Book Restoration, by Wilhelm Ziegler, transl. by Trudi Eberhardt et al

The first one costs $1 and all the rest are $1.50 each.


The tuition-room-and-board cost for the full three-week Oxbow Book & Paper Intensive has gone up from $900 to $950. For one-week and two-week periods it remains at $400 and $700 respectively. (Description of the Intensive was on p. 100 of the December issue.) for a full description, and a list of 1984 participants and 1985 instructors, contact the Ox Bow office at P.O. Box 5809, Chicago, IL 60680 (312/871-2348).

The New Typestyle

The old typewriter, a Coronamatic 1200 with #77 typeface, has worn out after eight years. After looking vainly for a better SCM typewriter with the sane typeface, I bought this one, Sears Electronic Communicator 2, and one month later found the one I was originally looking for. The future is up in the air.

Yes, You Are Paid Up for 1985

This issue has been mailed only to subscribers who are paid up for 1985. Others will receive a reminder, index and price list.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued six times a year. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send name, address, and a check for $30 made out to Abbey Newsletter, c/o Preservation Department, Brigham Young University Library, 6216 HBLL, Provo, UT 84602. The telephone number is 801/378-2512 during the day and 801/373-1598 evenings and weekends. Note: the Newsletter is not part of the University or the Library.

No paid advertisements are accepted, but any notice that is appropriate and has news value will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues which are defective or damaged in the mail, and for beck issues paid for but never received, will be honored without question within a year of publication.

The Abbey Newsletter is indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, Institute of Paper Chemistry Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (RIT).

Editor and publisher: Ellen McCrady.

The editor encourages readers to copy and pass around articles from the Newsletter, even entire issues; but before copying on a scale that amounts to republication, permission should be obtained.

Copyright 1985 Ellen McCrady ISSN: 0276-8291

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