The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 8, Number 4
Jul 1984

Editor's Page

Newsletter Moves to Utah

The good news is that I will start work at Brigham Young University on August 7. My title will be Preservation Librarian, and the Abbey Newsletter will be edited and published, mostly in my spare time, from my office there. The new address and phone are: c/o Conservation Department, Brigham Young University Library, 6216 HBLL, Prove, Utah 846D2 (801/378-2512).

This is where Provo is:


Rates to Move Up

The bad news (for at least some subscribers) is that subscription rates are going up soon. The time has cone for the Abbey Newsletter to pay its own way, not only for supplies and services but for the time it takes to edit and publish (30 to 80 hours a week).

After October 1, subscriptions for the coming year will be $30 for individuals and $40 for institutions (but institutions with simplified ordering procedures may use the individual rate).

Until October 1, the present rates ($20 individual and $25 institutional) apply also to advance renewals. Two years (1985-86) are $40 and $45; three years (1985-87) are $60 and $65.

The price of a set of back issues will go up then too, from $88 to $127. The new price list will be mailed in October, though individual copies can be mailed now on request.

Circulation Increases

Promotional mailings to 2000 addresses this spring and summer have brought in 125 new subscriptions so far-- a 6% return. They are still coming in at the rate of about one a day.

Mailing List Sales

From time to time I sell part or all of the Abbey Newsletter mailing list, on self-adhesive labels, for onetime use by local groups, suppliers and other parties. Readers who would like their names removed from the list for this purpose may simply notify the editor.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued six times a year and has about 750 paid subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send name, address, and a check for $20 to Abbey Newsletter, do Conservation Department, Brigham Young University, 6216 HBLL, Provo, UT 84602. The telephone number, beginning August 7, is 801/378-2512.

The Abbey Newsletter is indexed in Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts, Institute of Paper Chemistry Abstract Bulletin and Graphic Arts Literature Abstracts (RIT).

Editor and Publisher: Ellen R. McCrady.

Back issues and single issues are available for sale. A complete set of back issues, v.1-7, costs $88; individual issues, v.2-7, are $2.50 and supplements $1.00. The price of each volume varies. A list with prices is available on request. Supplements are included in the subscription price.

Copyright 1984 Ellen R. McCrady ISSN: 0276-8291

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