The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 8, Number 2
Apr 1984


To the Editor:

I am looking for [volunteers] with experience in identifying bindings structurally and historically. I want to have our rare and unusual bindings catalogued as bindings so that students of binding and binding history can find them. Right now, there is no way to locate bindings as such unless you know exactly what book you are looking for.

I hope there is someone out there who wants to help get this project off of the ground. I believe that it could set a precedent for the Museum. There are thousands of beautiful bindings in this Museum which are impossible to find unless you are Sherlock Holmes. I'd like to make these books more available--but I need help doing it.

Our bindery is also--as always--looking for experienced volunteers who can put in a minimum of one day per week doing binding, preservation enclosures, simple restoration, etc. They will receive the usual museum volunteer benefits and if anyone is interested, they should phone Mindell Dubansky at (212) 879-5500 ext. 3220, Monday through Friday 9-5.

Mindell Dubansky, Book Restorer
Watson Library Metropolitan Museum of Art

To the Editor:

Just want to tell you how interesting and informative I find the Special Supplement. Many thanks to you and all who helped in the translating, not an easy task. It will be very useful for many binders who do restoration.

Stella Patri
San Francisco

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