Gisela Noack, who was said in the September issue (p. 45) to be planning to publish her translation of the endbanding article, in fact has no plans for publication.
Also in the September issue, on p. 52, Roberta Chalfant's first name was spelled without the final a, by mistake.
In the Fumigation Supplement in September, Michael McCann is quoted on page 5 as saying that ethylene oxide could not be monitored at the level of 1/2 ppm. What he actually said is that it can be monitored, but that the equipment is expensive.
In the article in the November issue, "A Legal Mandate for Preservation," the first sentence should read, "The Church of England Synod regulates the way in which church records are kept The legal mandate referred to was then not an act of Parliament, but a regulation of the C of E Synod. The church and the government are much closer in England than in this country; the measure is for sale by DM50, the British equivalent of our Government Printing Office. Perhaps it has the force of law nevertheless.
If you got this issue, that means you are paid up for 1984.
The price of back issues has gone up, though they are still far below the price of current issues.
The index to v.7 will go out in a separate mailing, together with a supplement containing two translations from the German bookbinding literature.
On January 25 I earned my special certificate in preservation administration. When I lost my student status, I had to move out of the dormitory (1111 Johnson Hall) but I can keep the Newsletter office and continue to receive mail at the office of the School. The telephone remains the same for the office: 212/280-4014.
Ellen McCrady
The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued six times a year and has about 700 paid subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. To initiate or renew a subscription, send name, address, and a check for $20 to Abbey Newsletter, c/o School of Library Service, 516 Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027. (Note: the Newsletter receives its mail at this address, but is not part of Columbia University.)
No paid advertisements are accepted, but any notice that is appropriate and has news value will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome. Claims for issues which are defective or damaged in the mail, and for back issues paid for but never received, will be honored without question within a year of publication.
Simple news announcements may be freely reprinted in other newsletters without attribution and without explicit permission. Signed contributions, however, may not be reprinted without permission.
Copyright 1984 Ellen McCrady | ISSN 0276-8791 |