Volume 7, Number 3
Jul 1983
- Tim Vitale, formerly of the National Archives and Records
Service, has been appointed Senior Paper Conservator at the
Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution.
- Robert M. Organ, who retired from the Conservation Analytical
Lab on January 31, has been named a Research Associate within the
Smithsonian Institution for the next three years.
- Pam Young Randolph has assumed the position of head paper
conservator at the Intermuseum Laboratory in Oberlin, Ohio.
- Judith Fortson-Jones is the newly appointed Conservation Officer
for the Hoover Institution of Stanford University. Prior to this she
was Conservation Specialist at the Nebraska State Historical
Society. Her new address is Conservation Officer, Hoover
Institution, Stanford, CA 94305 (415/497-4127).
- Toby Fishbein Murray has been appointed to the newly created
position of Archivist/Preservation Officer at the University of
Tulsa Libraries. Mrs. Murray received an MS in Library Science from
the University of Illinois, and in 1974 became University Archivist
at Iowa State University. She has been active in both archival and
conservation affairs locally, regionally, and nationally.
- Carlton L. Brown became Director of the Preservation Policy and
Services Division at the National Archives in May 1982. The PPS
Division corresponds to the earlier Preservation Services
- Richard Frieder began work in May as the Head of the
Deacidification and Treatments Section of Conservation Services,
Firestone Library, Princeton University. In addition to directing
the bookbinding operation, he is in charge of Princeton's newly
constructed deacidification unit.