The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 7, Number 1
Mar 1983


Conferences & Professional Publications


The Hand Bookbinding Tradition in the San Francisco Bay Area (interviews with Leah Wollenberg, Stella Patri, Duncan Olmsted, Stephen Gale Herrick, and Barbara Fallon Hiller). Interviewed 1980 & 1981 by Ruth Teiser and Catherine Harroun. Regional Oral History Office, Room 486 The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (415/642-7395). 1982. 194 pp. $40.


Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 21 (2), Spring 1982. Contains two articles worth noting: "Eradication of Insects from Wool Textiles" by Barbara N. Reagan (concerns chemical and nonchemical means of control and reports a feasibility study of disinfestation by microwave irradiation) and "Effects of Wash Water Quality on the Physical Properties of Three Papers" by J. Nelson, A. King, N. Indictor and D. Cabelli (pure water found not necessarily beneficial; acidity of water and composition of paper also found to be factors).


AIC Book and Paper Group. Postprints from the Tenth Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 26-30 May, 1982. 122 pp. Includes reproductions from some slides and drawings from others. Nineteen papers in all. The Postprints are sent free to members of the AIC Book and Paper Group. Membership costs the same amount as the Postprints, for AIC members: $10. Nonmembers of AIC may buy copies for $i0 + $2.00 shipping. Send checks to AIC (address in index supplement).


Restaurator, 4(3/4), 1980 (published late 1982 or early 1983). Contents:

N. Kowalik, "Microbiodeterioration of Library Materials. Part 2, Chapter 4. Microbiodecomposition of Basic Organic Library Materials."

T. L. Gravell, "The Need for Detailed Watermark Research."

G. Guida, N. Marabelli & I. Reindell, "Restoration and Storage of Lead Artifacts."

The Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity, "Interim Report on Book Paper, April 1981."


Jack Thompson, producer. Elements of Book Conservation: 16th and 17th Century Books (videotape). Ken Lomax, director. Istor Productions, 2414 N.E. 45th Ave., Portland, OR 97213. 1982. 40 min. Available in 1/2" VHS at $250 or 3/4" U-Matic at $275 per copy; $3 postage and handling extra. Describes the restoration of two early printed books.

Jack Thompson's previous videotapes include Manuscripts and Documents: Their Deterioration and Restoration, made for the Oregon Historical Society in 1974, and Book Conservation Techniques, made for the Oregon Health Sciences University, History of Medicine Collection.

In preparation are videotapes on:

Elements of conservation: 12th-15th century books
Elements of conservation: 18th and 19th century books
Manufacture of goldbeater's skin
Museum mounting methods for art-on-paper; a primer.


Otto Wächter, "Seiden- und Pergaminpapiere: Schutzpapiere an Schadenaverursacher an Bibliotheksgut." Biblos 28 (2): 95-103, 1979. (Tissue paper and glassine: Protective papers as sources of damage to library materials)


Queen's University M.A.C. theses are available from the authors and from ICCROM, but not Queen's University.


Science and Technology in the Service of Conservation. The fully edited, bound preprints of the IIC Washington Congress 1982 are now available from the IIC Office. Price to members $20; nonmembers $25. (Address in Index supplement.)

Bibliographies and Other Lists


Gustav Moessner. Buchbinder ABC. Bearbeitet von Hans Kriechel. Bergisch Gladbach, W. Germany: Panders Feinpapiere AG, 1981. Hardcover, 135 pp. Free. Good for browsing as well as reference even if you don't know much German. Sample entries:

Bestseller: Bücher mit grösstem publikumserfolg.

Wiese, Fritz, Prof. (b. 1900). Bach Absolvierung der Buchbinderlehre Press- und Handvergolder bei Dorfner in Weimar, W. kam 1929 nach München an die "Meisterschule für Buchbinder" als Fach- und Zeichenlehrer. ...Knappe, klare Sprache und instruktive Zeichnungen machen Wieses Bücher zu Standardwerken.

Silk-screen. (engl.) 1930 in Amerika entwickelt

Millimeterband. Vom dänischen Buchbinder Henrik Park eingeführter Handeinband, dessen Deckel von Rücken nur wenige Millimeter abgesetzt sind; der N. wird mit ausgeschärftem Leder bezogen, muss sehr exakt gearbeitet werden und ist eine Art Bradelband.

Bradel, Alexis, Pierre. Französischer Buchbinder, der 1722 die Meisterprüfung ablegte. Er entwickelte die einfachere Technik der "Cartonnage & la Bradel," die omen Kopfgoldschnitt mit bestochenen Kapitalen erhielt und nach weiteren Vereinfachungen Vorläufer der Bücher mit "gebrochenem [open] Rücken" wurde. Seine "Cartonnagen" wurden in Deutschland um 1870 bekannt.

There are other entries for All over Stile, Ascona, Athos, Benzin, Bodoni, Bonet, Brugalla, Buchbinder-Museum (opened 1962), Buckram, Cathedralstil, Cobden-Sanderson.

Standards & Practical Guides


Carolyn Clark Morrow. The Preservation Challenge: A Guide to Conserving Library Materials. Knowledge Industry Publications, 701 Westchester Ave., White Plains, NY 10604 (914/328-9137; outside NY State call 800/431-1880). With Gay Walker; Introduction by Pam Darling. 231 pp. $34.50; soft cover $27.50. There is a review book at the Abbey Newsletter office which has not yet been assigned to a reviewer. (The hard cover is not worth the extra $7.00 - it's flimsy and unattractive, paper over boards.)


John Ashman. Bookbinding: A Beginner's Manual. Adam and Charles Black, London, £7.95


Martin J. Pitt, "A Vapour Hazard Index for Volatile Chemicals." Chemistry and Industry, 16 Oct. 1982, p. 804-806. Shows the effect the vapor pressure has on risk of inhalation; proposed VHI is a measure of the amount by which a saturated atmosphere would exceed the TLV.


Ernest L. Sackett. Twelve Ways to Sell Your Old, Used and Rare Books. 2nd enl. & rev. ed. Grants Pass, OR, Sackett Publications, 1980. 27 pp.


John H. Jenkins. Rare Books and Manuscript Thefts: A Security System for Librarians, Booksellers, and Collectors. Foreword by Terry Belanger. Distributed without charge by Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, BY 10021. 1982. S6 pp., unnumbered. This book was highly recommended by Lee Ash when he spoke at the Second Annual Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials Conference in February 1982. Its system promises to be very effective in deterring thefts and recovering stolen manuscripts and books. Well written, clearly laid out, beautifully printed.

Close to the other end of the scale is a book announced here earlier last year:

Slade Richard Gandert. Protecting your Collection: A Handbook, Survey, & Guide for the Security of Rare Books, Manuscripts, Archives, & Works of Art. New York: Haworth Press, 1982. 144 pp.

It may have been naively planned as a handbook, survey and guide, but it did not turn out that way. It is rambling, disjointed and anecdotal, neither scholarly nor practical, despite the long bibliographies at the end of each chap- t or.


ICOM has hired a part-time editor and will be putting out a newsletter for its membership. A number of its working groups wanted to put out their own newsletters, but this idea was vetoed as too expensive. (This information, contributed in a long notice in the IIC-CG Newsletter, was from Ton Stone, CCI, 1030 Innes Road, Ottawa, Ontario, KlA 0M8, Canada.)

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