The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 7, Number 1
Mar 1983

Editor's Page

Corrections and Changes

An improved description of the publications and services of the Illinois Cooperative Conservation Program appears on this page. It corrects information published in the December issue.

On page 84 of the December issue, Gene Cain was referred to as living outside of Mississippi; but he lives right in Jackson, where he is a chemistry professor at Millsaps College. (Thanks to Linda Overman, Chair of the Conservation Committee of the Society of Mississippi Archivists, for writing in about this.)


It's Agfa-Gevaert, not Agfa-Gewaert; and polyethylene terephthalate, not polyester terephthalate.

Changed information

Agfa-Gevaert backed out of its offer to provide strips for detecting harmful gases; see Letters section.

The ALA/LC seminar for top library administrators has been changed from April 22 to 29; see Events section.

Two back issues of the Newsletter have gone out of print; see Index supplement. They are v.1 #10 and v.2 #5.

Call Any Time

The Newsletter telephone number is 212/280-4014. Last month an answering machine was installed, to cover the hours when the editor cannot be in the office, so messages can be left at any time.

ICCP Services Clarified

The following information is to clarify, amplify and correct the notice about the Illinois Cooperative Conservation Program that appeared in the Literature section of the December issue.

The ICCP provides information and services to help all types of libraries to better maintain their collections. The ICCP is funded by the Library Services and Construction Act. Its publications and services are furnished free to Illinois libraries, and include:

  1. Conservation Correspondence, a series of focussed information sheets on concepts and procedures, issued intermittently and meant to be compiled into a notebook. These will be available for 50� apiece on a continuing basis for the duration of the program.
  2. Eight posters, seven of which are in the "Save-A- Book" set (one large poster and six small ones). The eighth poster has a long title that starts "Pressure can Even Get to Books"; several libraries have ordered this in quantity, apparently planning to put one over each photocopying machine in the library. The set of seven costs $4.50 and the single poster costs $2.50; add $1.50 for postage and handling. All posters will be available on a continuing basis for the duration of the program.

    Note: Checks must be made payable to General Library Activities and sent to ICCP, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 62901.

  3. Six conservation kits for non-book materials, available on loan to Illinois libraries only, during the grant period. These are also sold as a set by the National Audiovisual Center in Washington, DC.
  4. Disaster portfolios, also available for loan only to Illinois libraries; but there is a waiting list for out- of-state libraries--a long waiting list.

Because of the overwhelming response to announcements of the availability of these materials, the ICCP have included in their long term plans the intention of making available more portfolios and slide sets.

The Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation is issued six times a year and has about 600 subscribers. New subscribers automatically receive all issues published in the current year, unless they request otherwise. All subscriptions expire on the last day of the year. In initiate or renew a subscription, send name, address, and a check for $20.00 (institutions:

$25.00) to Abbey Newsletter, c/u School of Library Service, 516 Butler Library, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 (212/280-4014). The Newsletter is not part of Columbia University.

No paid ads are accepted, but any notice that is appropriate and has national news value will be printed if there is room for it. Written contributions and bits of news are welcome.

Other newsletters may freely reprint simple news announcements without attribution and without explicit permission. Signed contributions, however, may not be reprinted without permission.

Copyright 1983 Ellen McCrady ISSN 0276-8291

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