The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 6, Number 3
Jul 1982

Books Received & Available for Review

Adelaide E. Minogue, "The Repair and Preservation of Records," National Archives Bulletin No. 5, September 1943. Not new by any means, but it is still being cited, and perhaps it needs re-evaluating in terms of what we know today. Review copy will be given to reviewer.

"Ján Vrtílek: Umelecká knizná väzba." Oblastná galéria v Banskej Bystrici, Jan.-Feb. 1982. Catalog of an exhibition, with 21 black and white photographs and four in color, all fairly large and clear. Thirteen pages of introductory material, all in Czech.

"Jaroslav Merenda: Knizní vazby-Objekty z kûze." Památník Petra Bezruce, Zárí-Prosinec 1981. (At head of title: Slezské Muzeum Opava.) Catalog of another one-man exhibit. Puckered and molded leather on book covers and objects, with blind tooling. Accompanied by an English summary and original photographs taken at the exhibit. Contains 20 B/W illustrations.

"Knizní Vazba Jako Vytvarnu Doplnek Interieru." A little accordion-folded catalog and other materials from the exhibit described by Jan Sobota in the February issue of this Newsletter. All in Czech, of course. Names recognized from one of the pieces: Philipa Smitha, Garyho Frosta, Hedi Kyle, Petra Weiers-mullera, Trevora Jonese, Heinke Penski-Adama. 19 small B/W photos.

Reviewer of any or all of these Czech materials may retain the material reviewed.

"Prompt Action needed to Preserve America's Recorded Heritage." General Services Administration, Office of the Inspector General, Washington Field Audit Office, March 31, 1982. 55-10898-00-11. 59 pp, typescript. Copy will be ordered for qualified reviewer. The significance of this report is that it evaluates a public institution's preservation program; thus not only the program, but the way in which it is evaluated, becomes a matter of general concern. So few such evaluations are made public that it is hard for most people, including the evaluators and the evaluated, to tell whether practices described are above or below average, and what criteria to judge them by. The ones that are made public should be analyzed objectively and constructively, to encourage progress.

Carolyn Clark Morrow, Conservation Treatment Procedures: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Maintenance and Repair of Library Materials. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1982. 191 pp. $18.50. Reviewer gets copy.

Les Documents Graphiques et Photographiques: Analyse et Conservation. (Travaux du Centre de Recherches sur la Conservation des Documents Graphiques, 1980-81) Editions do Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 15, quai Anatole-France, 75700 Paris, 1981. 148 pp. In French. Photocopies of the individual chapters are offered for review, on the assumption that there is no one in America who reads French and is expert enough to review all the areas covered. The papers that make up the six chapters of this book are:

La sauvegarde des documents imprimes conserves a la bibliothèque nationale. F. Flieder, F. LeClerc and C. Gamier.

Blanchiment de papiers au moyen de bioxyde de chlore gazeux. F. LeClerc and S. Bomnassies.

La détérioration des encres métallo-galliques et leur régénération chimique. R. Talbot, F. LeClerc and F. Flieder.

Effet de la pollution atmosphérique sur le cuir et le parchemin. C. Chahine and N. LeRoy.

Influence de l'environnement sur la conservation des documents photographiques modernes. N. Gillet, C. Gamier, and F. Flieder.

Synthèse des travaux recueillis dana Ia littérature sur la restauration des photographies en noir et blanc. A. Cartier-Bresson.

Photocopies will be sent to anyone who is considering doing a review; they can be returned if not used.

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