The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 3
Aug 1981

AIC News

1981 AIC Meeting Full of Attractions for Book & Paper Conservators

Each day, from Wednesday May 27 to Sunday May 31, offered one or two sessions of central interest to book and paper people, in addition to the general sessions on written documentation and adhesives. First there were the student papers from the graduate training programs in art conservation. Most of these were on paper conservation, and they were good. The next day the afternoon session was given to specialty groups, including one on books; in the evening of the next day, Tim Barrett gave a 3-hour talk and demonstration on the making of paper for conservation purposes, by hand in the Japanese style; the next day, Saturday, there was another specialty group session on books and paper, followed immediately by a business session at which new officers were elected (see separate report), and after lunch another specialty group meeting with two papers on paper and one on daguerreotypes. On Sunday, the last day, the bookbinders got together for lunch, still full of steam, and held what might almost be called a mini-conference, exchanging written and spoken information on recent developments in leather dressing, drying racks and so on in a semi-formal manner. It was said that another spontaneous session, that is, one organized at the conference, was to be held later on the same day, on sun-bleaching and bleaching without chemicals. There was to have been a paper by Keiko Keyes on this, but she was unable to attend the conference. No report has been received about this last specialty group event.

None of the specialty group papers were in the AIC preprints, and there are no plans to publish proceedings. Most of the papers were taped, and are available for $24 from Cassette Recording Company, 1444 Third National Building, Dayton, Ohio 45402, (513) 223-5380. This does not include Tim Barrett's talk or the student papers. Abstracts of seven papers were passed out at the meeting (see Literature section).

AIC Book and Paper Group Achieves Formal Status

Karen Garlick, Secretary of the group, issued the following report of the organizational meeting.

May 30, 1981 marked the first official Business Meeting of the Book & Paper Group - AIC. For those who attended another Specialty Group meeting, did not stay for the entire Meeting, or would like a review of the meeting, the following summarizes the essential points.

1) Three officials and one committee chairman were elected to serve the 1981-1982 term. Those elected were:

Robert Futernick, President
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, Lincoln Park
Sam Francisco, CA 94121

Polly Lada-Mocarski, Treasurer
123 York Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Karen Garlick, Secretary
Folger Shakespeare Library
Washington. DC 20003

Timothy Vitale, Program Committee Chairman
Allen Arts Building
Oberlin, Ohio 44074

2) Dues were set at $10.00 for general membership and $5.00 for student membership.

3) Bill Minter suggested that next year the Group meet in Chicago for tours and presentations of local binderies, conservation labs, and special collections one day prior to the scheduled AIC meeting in Milwaukee. Bill was appointed Local Coordinator for the activities.

4) The Group indicated a preference for a preprint publication of papers to be provided to members at next year's meeting.

In a meeting held by the officers later that day, it was decided that the President and the Program Committee Chairman would establish the Program Committee. All those interested in next year's program should start to think about a possible format and topics so that suggestions will be ready for Tim when the call for papers goes out during the fall.

Members will be informed of any news and of the plans for next year's meeting through a newssheet or the AIC Newsletter. Please send any information of interest to the Group to the Secretary.

Finally, if anyone has questions or comments about the business meeting or about the Group in general, please write to any of the officers listed above.

[To join the Group, make your check payable and mail to: Book & Paper Group - AIC, do Polly Lada-Mocarski, Treasurer.]

AIC Standards Serve Federal Agency As Specifications

Bids for document preservation services for the NARS Waltham (Massachusetts) Archives Branch have been solicited from outside contractors. For these services the Federal Supply Service has required adherence to standards of practice of the American Institute for conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. This pilot project is a matter of special pride to Alan Calmes, NARS Preservation Officer, who began it when he was Director of the Waltham Federal Archives and Records Center. Similar contracts, using the Waltham model, are planned for regional branches of NARS in Bayonne, New Jersey, and in Atlanta. (Reprinted with minor changes from the May 1981 On the Record, an in-house publication for employees of the U.S. National Archives and Records Service.)

FAIC Surveys Conservators' Incomes

The Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works has surveyed American and Canadian conservators to determine 1) their incomes for the year 1979, by sex, age, and geographical area, and 2) hourly rates, broken down by conservation specialty, the conservator's length of experience, length of the task or activity for which the rates were set, and whether the rates were set by am individual or am employing institution.

There were 14 specialties listed, including Paper, Photographs, Books and Archival Materials. For these 4 specialties, rates were comparable to those in other specialties, varying between $10 and $75 per hour, with the average near $25.

There was a strong positive correlation between years of experience and rates. People with 21-30 years of experience charged per hour about double what people with 1-9 years of experience did. There was an interesting negative correlation in the specialties of Scientific Analysis and Administrative/Educational Activities: the younger the specialist, the higher the rates.

Pay was not equal between men and women, as the graph shows.


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