The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 5, Number 2
Apr 1981


Position Sought

Gillian C. Boal, 1 Aylestone Road, Cambridge, England (Telephone: Cambridge (0223) 350215). Possible interviewing trip to the United States in July 1981.

1974-5 Studied at Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts, London. One-year course in Bookbinding and Restoration awarded Diploma with Credit.
1975-8 Assistant in workshop of Cockerell & Son, Grantchester, Cambridge. Worked as conservationist/paper restorer on incunabula, literary manuscripts, maps, prints, globes etc.
1978-9 Conservation consultant and restoration bookbinder at J.P. Gray & Son, Green Street, Cambridge.
1979 Established own bindery.

Positions Open

Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield

(Subject to funding)

Qualifications: The Library is seeking a person trained in all phases of paper and book conservation to develop a comprehensive conservation/preservation program. Qualifications preferred include an M.A. or M.L.S., advanced organic chemistry, and two years' experience in a conservation/preservation program.

Duties: These will include responsibility for commercial and in-house binding; encapsulation and deacidification of paper materials; supervision of preservation micro- filming; preparation and maintenance of a disaster preparedness plan; and other duties generally related to conservation/preservation.

Apply in writing to Roger D, Bridges, Head Librarian, Illinois State Historical Library, Old State Capitol, Springfield, IL 62706. Salary ca. $16,500.

New York Botanical Garden's Book Preservation Center

Qualifications: MLS, 3-5 years' teaching, writing and book/paper preservation background.

Duties: The individual will assist in the development of book preservation education programs, conducting workshops and producing education summaries and instructions.

Salary, etc.: $14,500. Excellent benefits. Three-year position starting March 1, 1981.

Send résumé to Personnel Office, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458.

Northeast Document Conservation Center, Andover, Mass.

Qualifications: Applicants should have experience with case, split board and laced-in structures; ability to work with cloth and leather, make drop spine boxes, work gold stamping press. Preference will be given to person familiar with treatment of book pages (washing, deacidifying, mending and guarding with Japanese tissue and starch paste).

Salary: Commensurate with experience.

Send résumé to: Northeast Document Conservation Center, Abbot Wall, School Street, Andover, NA 01810. NEDCC is a non-profit but production-oriented regional conservation center.

National Library of New Zealand, Wellington

Qualifications: Applicants must be fully trained in all aspects of paper conservation and should have had several years of experience. Bookbinding experience is not necessary. Good color vision is essential.

Salary: Commencing salary will depend upon qualifications and experience but will range from NZ$5,758 to NZ$22,710.

The successful applicant will be a member of a well- established Conservation Unit with an existing staff of two conservators and a photographer. Opportunities exist for development work,

Write giving age, marital status, size of family and a résumé of experience and qualifications to: The Chief Migration Officer, New Zealand High Commissioner, New Zealand House, London SW1Y 4TQ, England, quoting reference Imm 2/342/3 for application form.

The Jan.-Feb. issue of Bibliography Newsletter reports a conversation between the editor, Terry Belanger, and the new chief conservation officer at the University of Texas in Austin, during a visit to the Humanities Research Center there. "Etherington said," reports Belanger, "that his staff will eventually grow to 16 persons or so (he has about four on board thus far). We will begin advertising in the fall, but meanwhile, he suggests that conservators interested in the possibilities at Austin night like to drop in informally any tine during the next several months to make his acquaintance and take a tour of HRC; just let him know when."

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