The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 2
Nov 1975

It Isn't Too Late for a Very Special Christmas Gift

This time of year, we start receiving a lot of work with a December 24th deadline from people who have gotten the idea (usually without our suggesting it) of binding a book especially as a Christmas present.

The types of books chosen for binding vary, but not surprisingly, all seem to relate to shared values, sentiment, or experiences....Bibles, Correspondence, Scrapbooks and Albums, Favorite Authors, Genealogies, and so on.

There is a lot of cross-generation giving too. To take two examples, parents may pass on their favorite children's books to their own children, looking forward to evenings of reading them together; or grown children may give their retired parents an antique atlas of the county they grew up in.

Many of these customers are using a binder's services for the first time, and do not realize that we usually need six weeks to do the work. To take pressure off this situation, we have prepared attractive gift certificates which read as follows:

We are pleased to inform you that ______ has made you a special present of ______ toward the binding of a book. We look forward to planning this binding with you. Best wishes. ACADEMY BOOK BINDERY

On books for which the certificate would be inappropriate, we are able to provide a quicker job by adding a $5.00 rush charge to the bill. (DON'T DELAY!) Because of the time needed for fine bookbinding, some decide to give the book for Easter, a birthday, or even order now for next Christmas. Whenever given, it makes a very special and much appreciated gift.

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