The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 15
Jul 1978


Until September 4, Princeton University will have on display 100 books selected from the quarter million rare books in the Princeton University Library and from two private collections housed there which are probably the finest left in the country. These 100 books were selected on the basis of their beauty and relevance to the history of binding over the period 1100-1932 by Jamie Shalleck, a craft binder and restorer. The idea originated with O.J. Rothrock, Curator of Graphic Arts there, and rapidly gained enthusiastic support, culminating with the opening of the exhibit last April. Some examples from the catalog are:

The catalog is entitled "Fine Bindings, Gothic to Modern: European Handbound Books in the Princeton University Library, Together with The William H. Scheide Library and The Robert H. Taylor Collection". The exhibit itself is in Princeton's Exhibition Gallery.

Susan Swartzburg of Rutgers University Library is currently completing a comprehensive handbook on the preservation of library materials for the use of the general library audience. Inquiries can be sent to Susan Swartzburg, Preservation Office, Rutgers University Library, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.

A Symposium on Practical Approaches to Records Preservation will be given under joint sponsorship at the Olmstead Center of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, on October 20-21 Session topics will include:

There will be about 9 speakers, including George Cunha, Robert MacLaren, Richard Smith and Henry Wilhelm. For further information contact: Toby Fishbein, University Archivist, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, 515-294-6672; or Alan F. Perry, Archives Branch, Federal Archives & Records Center, 2306 E. Bannister Rd., Kansas City, Missouri 64131, 816-926-7271.

Please Note the New Address of the Abbey Newsletter:

1297 Newport, Ann Arbor, MI 48103

In May, Norman J. Shaffer was named Chief of the Library of Congress Preservation Office During the previous year he had served as Program Officer of the National Preservation Program. As Chief of the Preservation Office, he will be responsible for the preservation of the Library's collections, including conservation, restoration, research and testing, preservation microfilming, and binding activities His background is in history, microfilming and library research and administration In connection with the administrative reorganization now going on in the Library of Congress, which is occasioned by the move to the Madison Building, the Preservation Office will be attached to the Office of the Assistant Librarian for Research Services as of July 31.

The Preservation Office was previously headed by Frazer G Poole, who resigned in January.

There are about 95 employees in the Office, including the well-known Peter Waters, Don Etherington, George Kelly and John Williams Projects under consideration for the future include developing preservation standards, coordinating establishment of regional conservation centers, and exploring the possibilities of a degree program for conservators

The exhibit, Hand Bookbinding Today, an International Art", has been widely discussed and reviewed It is presently in Missouri, at the William Rockhill Nelson Gallery and Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City It leaves there on the 22nd of this month and surfaces again August 27 at Temple University in Philadelphia, where it remains until September 30. It is a provocative exhibit. Everybody who has seen it seems to have opinions and to be eager to compare them with other people's The book submitted by Gary Frost crops up in every conversation and review, though it is not a typical entry A tracing of it is reproduced below

Illustration omitted from this electronic version

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