The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 15
Jul 1978



Fine Print, A Review for the Arts of the Book. Quarterly, $12.00 individuals, $14.00 institutions Edited and published by Sandra Kirshenbaum. 2107 Van Ness Ave., Suite 303, San Francisco, CA 94109. Each issue is designed by a different typographer-printer. The subject matter is private presses and fine printing, together with related subjects, including bookbinding. Matters of interest to readers of the Abbey Newsletter are their articles on type-casting, calligraphy, handmade paper, cover design, and book exhibits, including a review of "Hand Bookbinding Today". A unique feature is a listing of books in sheets for binders and collectors. It is all excellently done.


Bibliography Newsletter, BiN. Monthly or bi-monthly, S10,00 for the calendar year Edited by Terry Belanger. 21 Claremont Ave., New York, NY 10027. An excellent publication for bibliographers and book collectors, fluently written, exact and detailed, covering conferences, Library of Congress events, personal interviews or visits with notable private printers or bibliographers, and fellowships as well as new publications on type, publishers, and so on. There is much original material not available elsewhere. A section occasionally useful to binders is the announcement of free books and remainders that have to do with the subject of books in any way


U.S. Library of Congress. Double-Tray Book Box, Working Draft, May 1978. (Library of Congress Publications on Conservation of Library Materials. Conservation Workshop Notes on Evolving Procedures, Series 100 No. 2) This may not be for general distribution, but it was given out to people who requested it at the AIC Conference, and it will presumably form part of the book on boxes that the LC plans to publish in 18 months. Its 29 pages are full of diagrams, instructions and calculations of just this one type of box, which is the simplified version referred to as the "two-hour box".


The Ashling Press (Mountcashel Castle, Kilmurry, Ennie, Co. Clare, Ireland) announces a prepublication price of $75.00 for their book The Introduction of Linen Paper, an original translation of a 1784 scholarly German work by Breitkopf. It is in a fine limited edition of 460 signed and numbered copies, printed letterpress on rag paper (some of it handmade), and bound in half leather. About 106 pages with 8 pages of illustrations. After publication the price goes up to $96.00.


Arthur W. Johnson. Manual of Bookbinding. NY, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1978 224 p. This has received very favorable reviews elsewhere, and it looks like the best book on the subject in years A short section in back describes several modern techniques superior to the traditional ones $15.95

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