The Abbey Newsletter

Volume 1, Number 15
Jul 1978

NEDCC Educational Activities

Ongoing activities at the New England Document Conservation Center include a good amount of education in addition to straightforward conservation. Within the Center, two young women are in training on NHPRC scholarships and an archivist-conservator from the Singapore National Archives is studying there on a UNESCO fellowship. The temporary Director, Howard Lowell, regularly travels around New England, meeting with librarians to confer with them on conservation problems.

In neighboring graduate library schools, George Cunha introduces future librarians and administrators to the fundamentals of library conservation through a course given regularly at the University of Rhode Island, and a popular institute at Simmons College in Boston, initiated and organized by Dr. Josephine Fang, who has been bringing her classes to the Center for 10 years. Mr. Cunha believes he and the Center are succeeding in their goal of encouraging librarians and library administrators to take charge in the administration of enlightened conservation policies. Conservators can help, he says, but only librarians are in a position to act.

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