Online Conservation/Preservation Serials

See also

Journals, Annuals, etc.
Resources at other sites

Journals, Annuals, etc.

ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History
ArtMatters is a peer reviewed journal and entails Student ArtMatters. ArtMatters onlinei is published by Archetype Publications and the University of Glasgow, with financial support from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

"[ArtMatters presents] articles by important scholars working in the interdisciplinary field of technical art history. Drawing on the combined expertise of conservators, scientists and art historians, ArtMatters brings together a wealth of information about artists, materials, techniques and studio practice, from different periods and disciplines. ArtMatters goes beyond the pure identification of materials. It addresses the connection between the artists's methods and intentions, as well as the relations between changes in style, technical developments and materials available, all set against an art historical context. ArtMatters provides fascinating accounts of the artist at work. The articles illustrate the significant role the study of techniques and materials can have within art historical research and its various philosophical approaches towards the understanding of art works. ArtMatters creates illuminating insights into the artist's original intention and its material expression, insights that characterise current conservation research as a whole. ArtMatters is therefore an invaluable resource for art historians, conservators, collectors, and all those interested in the making of artworks."

Bollettino ICR - Nuova Serie
Abstracts are available.

Note: As of Thu Mar 24 2011 The above URLs were broken, but the resources do appear to be available. URLs will be corrected as soon as possible

Book and Paper Group Annual
The Book and Paper Group Annual is non-juried anthology of papers pertaining to the conservation and preservation of works of art on paper, books and library and archival materials.

Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal (ARP)
Conservar Património
In Portuguese and English versions

This is a print journal but abstracts are presented online.

"Conservar Patrim�nio is a journal, published twice a year, that intends to create a space for the diffusion of conservator-restorers' studies and activities. However, at a time when Conservation-Restoration pretends to develop further through collaboration with other areas of knowledge, such as History of Art, Archaeology, Museum Studies, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other related disciplines, the journal also receives contributions from any other provenance as long as directed towards the materiality of the works that integrate our Cultural Heritage. Theoretical issues on the conservation activity may also be submitted.

"Conservar Patrim�nio is a scientific journal. Therefore, as a rule, the submitted papers are reviewed anonymously by peers in order to achieve and maintain a platform of quality. Although it is published by ARP (Associa��o Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores em Portugal), it is open to all, independently of their relationship to the organization."

In French and English.

"Review and interactive platform, CeROArt, will be devoted to a multidisciplinary approach of the questions of Art Objects conservation, exhibition and restoration. It will deal more specifically with axiological questions and the practices changes induced by new materials and the complex statute of some artefacts. CeROArt would like to be a reflections and interactions place between historians, art historians, philosophers, museologists, scientists interested by patrimony, curators and restorers either as representatives of the museum community or students in one of those disciplines.


"e-dialogos is an annual digital journal on research in conservation and cultural heritage.

"e-dialogos, the journal of diadrasis, is a new journal on heritage conservation. Founded in 2011, its scope is the interdisciplinary research and dissemination of archaeological and architectural heritage conservation all over the world. The Editor-in-Chief welcomes the submission of articles on any subject within that context. Texts that present methodologies on heritage conservation, training experiences on conservation and restoration or practical examples projects are very welcome. Articles on theoretical frameworks for conservation and restoration interventions or which explore the symbiosis between different specialized fields, showing the interdisciplinary vantages, are also of the editorial board's interest."

e-Preservation Science

"Aims and scope: To publish high quality papers in materials research: review papers, original papers, short communications, but also announcements and news. Topics should be of interest in the field of preservation research and should include studies in stability, environmental studies and condition assessment of cultural heritage, and studies of materials and procedures used for its conservation and preservation.

The journal aims at dissemination of information to researchers, conservators, preservation officers, and other interested audiences."

Hannelore Römich
Evaluation of protective glazing systems

Ivan De Ryck, Annemie Adriaens, Patrick Storme, Freddy Adams
The tin mercury inlay of a cabinet manufactured by Hendrik van Soest: A case study

Vladan Desnica, Kreimir Furic', Manfred Schreiner
Multianalytical characterisation of a variety of ultramarine pigments
Alex von Bohlen
Review: Total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: A versatile tool for ultra-micro analysis of objects of cultural heritage

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC)
CoOL provides an archive of non-current issues. Information on subscriptions to the print version and member-access to recent issues is found on the AIC Publications page.

Journal of Conservation & Museum Studies

Published under the auspices of the Department of Conservation and Museum Studies at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London, JCMS exists as an academic World Wide Web publication, disseminating information to the global conservation and museum community. The papers and articles found in the Journal represent the work of conservation and museum studies students from around the world, and have been refereed by academic staff representing conservation and museum studies training programmes.

Laser Chemistry
Laser Chemistry is an open access journal.

See especially special issues such as Lasers in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

"Laser Chemistry is the first journal to unite international research activity in this rapidly developing field. It is intended to bridge the gap between physics and chemistry laser-related research. Its focus is in the area of fundamental studies and applications within the field of laser chemical physics and spectroscopy. In particular, it focuses on issues of: State selective chemistry; Laser interactions with materials; Time resolved chemistry; High resolution spectroscopy; Chemical dynamics; 'Femto' and 'Atto' - chemistry; Chemical imaging; Biophotonics; Laser biochemistry"

V&A Conservation Journal

"The V&A Conservation Journal contains all the latest information about activities and research in the Conservation Department, often directly reflecting new developments within the Museum. Topics range from a description of conservation input to museum projects, new methods and materials, technical study of historical objects, preventive projects, installation of new galleries, explorations of underlying principles of conservation, to collaborative research projects. The Journal is an informal publication for everyone who is interested in the conservation of our cultural heritage: conservation professionals, students, and staff of museums, educational institutions, libraries, ministries of culture and other heritage organisations. The current balance between factual, scientific and technical content meets the interest of specialist and non-specialist readers alike."

Publication twice yearly, in Spring and Autumn. Print subscriptions are also available to academic institutions (not individuals)

Newsletters, Magazines, etc.

Abbey Publications
Abbey Publications is a nonprofit corporation set up to encourage preservation of written records, including the use of lasting materials in their creation. Two newsletters are available online.

Abbey Newsletter: Bookbinding and Conservation, issued eight times a year

Alkaline Paper Advocate, issued quarterly

In addition to feature articles, each issue columns such as

Editor's Page
Positions Literature

Archival Products News
Produced by Archival Products, a Division of Library Binding Service. Articles are written by preservation and conservation professionals. The following is a selection of articles available:
Archival Products NEWS Volume 18, No. 1
Julia Merkel and Cecelia Parks
The Davis & Associates Architectural Drawing Collection #5034, A Case Study for Processing Oversize Materials
Jessica Phillips
Reorganization of Remote Storage and Renovation for Creation of a Research Collections Library
Archival Products NEWS Volume 17, No. 4
Annabelle F. Shrieve, Vauna Gross, Jeff Hunt, Tomomi Nakashima, and Randy Silverman
Boxing the 'Big Huge': A Preventive Conservation Conundrum
Archival Products NEWS Volume 17, No. 3
Kim Knox Norman
Preservation of Emory University's African American Scrapbook Collection
Craig Fansler
The Repair of Large-Scale Theater Posters
Archival Products NEWS Volume 17, No. 2
Jeanne Drewes
Engage for Preservation Week
Gary Frost
Interdependence: Continuing Role of Print in a Context of Digital Delivery
Archival Products NEWS Volume 17, No. 1
In Honor of Jan Merrill-Oldham: A Celebration of Life: May 10, 1947 - October 5, 2011
Archival Products NEWS Volume 16, No. 4
Henry Hebert
Sleeves and Posts: A Rehousing Option for Scrapbooks
Ann Carroll Kearney
The Use of Japanese Paper as an Alternative Material in the Repair of Leather-Bound Items in Academic Research Libraries
Archival Products NEWS Volume 16, No. 3
Beth Doyle
A Novel Use of CoLibri: Boxing the Blue Devil
Sue Davis
Vanderbilt University Library Renovation Project Triggers Large Technical Services Staff Relocation: How We Divided and Conquered
Wendy Jones
Protecting Our Music Collection - Sewn Spiral Bindings
Archival Products NEWS Volume 16, No. 2
Katherine Swift Kelly
1858 Laws of Iowa: a Treatment Narrative
Karen Jones
Making a Spine for a VeloBound Book
Archival Products NEWS Volume 16, No. 1
Jacob Nadal
Developing a Preservation Program for the UCLA Library Rescuing Irreplaceable Records from Capitols to Closets
David W. Carmicheal, Director, The Georgia Archives, and Chair, IPER Advisory Board
Rescuing Irreplaceable Records from Capitols to Closets
Archival Products NEWS Volume 15, No. 4
Gary Frost and Helen Ryan
Preservation of Historical Libraries of Arequipa: Investing in the Future: Creating a Historic Archive in an Art Museum
Lindsay E. Shannon and Ian Ringgenberg
Archival Products NEWS Volume 15, No. 3
Randy Silverman
Fire and Ice: A Soot Removal Technique Using Dry Ice Blasting
CoLibri Book Cover System
Archival Products NEWS Volume 15, No. 2
Linda Marston
The Kansas Aerial Photography Initiative (KAPI)
Spiral Book Binders - Variations on a Solution
Bill Minter
Spiral Book Binders - Variations on a Solution
Archival Products NEWS Volume 15, No. 1
Tracy Harter and Julia Merkel
JMU Libraries and Educational Technologies Celebrates James Madison University's Centennial with Real and Virtual Exhibits: The Next Wave of Statewide Preservation Planning
Tom Clareson
Archival Products NEWS Volume 14, No. 4
Jennifer Hain Teper and Emily F. Shaw
Planning for Conservation of Archival Scrapbook Collections
Jacob Nadal
Building Compromises: Assessing the Options for Protecting Collections During Construction
Archival Products NEWS Volume 14, No. 3
Lynn Ann Davis
Encapsulation: Beyond the Island
Kristen Kern
Preserving Cultural Collections in the West
Archival Products NEWS Volume 14, No. 2
Emily K Bell
One of These Threads is Not Like the Others, or, What's Special about this Sewing Station?
Margit Smith
ADDENDUM: Djs in the Library – Dust Jackets that is, Not the Music Makers
Archival Products NEWS Volume 14, No. 1
Kazuko Hioki
Djs in the Library – Dust Jackets that is, Not the Music Makers
Margit Smith
Archival Products NEWS Volume 13, No. 4
Jean Ann Croft and Debora Rougeux
Assessment and Plans to Preserve the CONSOL Energy Mining Map Collection
Lindsay Shannon
Salisbury House: Diverse Preservation Needs of a Private Library
Archival Products NEWS Volume 13, No. 3
Kathryn Leonard
Shelter and Sanctuary: Customizing Protective Enclosures
Patricia K. Turpening
Preservation Surveys By the Book
Colibri Book Cover System
Archival Products NEWS Volume 13, No. 2
Gary Frost
Lessons from Katrina: Recovery of Cultural Collections
Oliver Cutshaw
In Medias Res: How to Protect Media and Mixed Media in an Age of Transition by
Molly McIlhon
Introduction of Archival Products New Account Manager
Archival Products NEWS Volume 13, No. 1
Quick Repairs: Taking Conservation to the Books
Alan Puglia
Big News: Saving an 1870 Wall Map from Extinction
Frederick N. Honneffer
Archival Products NEWS Volume 12, No. 4
Andrea Knowlton
A Summer at Salisbury House: The Protection of a Small Library During Renovations
sThomas H. Teper
In the Hot Seat: Using Local Resources for Innovative Disaster Training
Volume 12, No. 3 (PDF)
The Changing Book: Transitions in Design, Production and Preservation
Wendy Gray
Book Sculture, Defined
Volume 12, No. 2 (PDF)
Kate Contakos and Melitte Buchman
A Project Embracing Digital Media Preservation: Tradition Becoming Less Traditional
Andrew Damico
sy Battles with Mold
Volume 12, No. 1 (PDF)
Mary Ellen Starmer
The Book Doctor: Community Service, Public Relations and Preservation Education
Norma Linton
Preservation and Conserving Pamphlets
Archival Products News Volume 11, No. 4 (PDF)
Jennifer Hain Teper
Stabilizing Materials in Preparation for Transfer to Remote Storage
Jacob Nadal
New Technology for Conservation Enclosures
Archival Products News Volume 11, No. 3 (PDF)
Yvonne Carignan
Planning to Market Preservation
University of Iowa Library Preservation and LBS/Archival Products Help in Recovery of a Book Collection from a Fire
Margit Smith
DEKKO Paks Update
Archival Products News Volume 11, No. 2 (PDF)
Beth Doyle
Starting a Branch Repair Training Program
Whitney Baker
Striving for Success: Making a Hybird Conservation Laboratory Work in the University of Kansas Libraries
Volume 11, No. 1 (PDF)
Karen E.K. Brown
Using Spreadsheets for the Phase Boxing of Books
LBS/Archival Products Sponsors University of Iowa Libraries (Interactive spreadsheets which supplement the article on Phase Boxing are also available.)
Volume 10, No. 4 (PDF)
Heather Caldwell Kaufman
Ergonomic Considerations for Furniture and Equipment in a New Conservation Lab
Laura A. Vannorsdel and Brian J. Baird
CAPitalize on your Investment: CAP Grants for Small Museums
Volume 10, No. 3 (PDF)
Kristina L. Southwell
Chlorine Dioxide: A Treatment for Mold in Libraries
Pat Morris
Coping With a Mold Outbreak in the Archives
Volume 10, No. 2 (PDF)
Margit J. Smith
Repairing Books and Preserving the General Collection
Janice Mohlhenrich Lathrop
Promoting Preservation
Volume 10, No. 1 (PDF)
Margit J. Smith
Silverfish, Their Activities and How to Stop Them
Patricia Selinger
Binding in Tough Times
Volume 9, No. 3 (PDF)
Werner Rebsamen
Book Quality Liabilities and the Pages of Shame
Oliver Cutshaw
Helpful Hints for the Safe Transport of Library Materials
Janice Comer
Collaboration: The Key to Viable Preservation Solutions
Volume 9, No. 2 (PDF)
Andrea Rolich
Encouraging Preservation Awareness in Children
Gary Frost
Mechanisms for Book Building: Bookbinding Models at the University of Iowa Libraries
Fritz James
LBS and the University of Iowa Preserve History for Future Bookbinders
Susan Martin
Rehousing a Portrait Collection
Volume 9, No. 1 (PDF)
Nancy E. Kraft
To Infinity and Beyond: Mass Deacidification and Cultural Preservation
Nancy E Kraft
Deacidification at Home
Rebecca Stuhr
Integrating Library Preservation into the Daily Operations of a Small College Library
Gary Frost
Processing Books for Mass Alkalization
Volume 8, No. 1
Margit J. Smith
Paper Splitting as a Preservation Option
Shannon Zachary
Library Pamphlet Binding
Marie Kelser
San Francisco Public Library housing music scores, plays, poetry, government documents and magazines
Volume 7, no. 3 (PDF)
Gary Frost
Integrated Book Repair
Patsy L. McCarty
Inexpensive Spine Lettering
Archival Products NEWS Volume 7, No. 2
Brian J.Baird, University of Kansas
Preservation Strategies for Small and Public Libraries
Volume 7, no. 1 (PDF)
Sharon Partidge and Karen Jones
Colorado Preservation Alliance Provides Website Brimming with Information
Acrylic Coated Replacement for Starch-filled Buckram
Volume 6, no. 4 (PDF) (Incorrectly published as Volume 5 no.4)
Gary Jones
Problems Encountered in the Preservation of Record Jackets
Fritz James
Conservation Cloth
Volume 6, no. 3 (PDF)
Margit Smith
Moving and Storing Special Collections Books
Marty Sugden
Formation of the Northeast Florida Library Information Network or Neflin
Volume 6, no. 2 (PDF)
Joseph A. Settanni
Conservation, Preservation, Restoration: Terminology Should Assist Clarity
Minneapolis Public Library: Preservation for Permanent Collections
Volume 6, no. 1 (PDF)
Pat Wagner
Helping Patrons Care for Their Home Libraries and Collections
Volume 5, no. 4 (PDF)
Clara Keyes
Outsourcing Book Repair
Book Review: Promoting Preservation Awareness in Libraries, A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School and Special Collections, Edited by Jeanne M. Drewes and Julie A. Page
Julia Franklin
Using Custom Made Four-Flap Enclosures for Book Boxes
Volume 5, no. 3 (PDF)
Tanya Zanish-Belcher
The History, Care and Handling of Photographic Materials
Noel A. Carmack
Saving the Serials: Preserving Mass Culture at the Utah State University Libraries
Volume 5, no. 2 (PDF)
Tyler Walters
Archival Film Preservation at the Iowa State University Library
Preservation of Memorabilia, Photographs and Documents
Volume 5, no. 1 (PDF)
Shannon Zachary
Managing a Stacks Cleaning Project
William Minter
Spiral Bindings in a Hard Cover: An Alternative to Rebinding
Roger Joyce
Technical Tips:Care of Books, Documents and Photographs
Ton Dijksterhuis
Book Review
Volume 4, No. 4
Ann Olszewski
Beyond Brittle: Preserving Theatre History at the Cleveland Public Library
Ivan Hanthorn
Tips to Keep in Mind While Trying to Defeat Time
Nancy Kraft
Tips on Creating an Archival Scrapbook or Photo Album
Marie Kelzer
Judging a Book its Cover: Academic Institutions vs. Public Libraries-A Preservation Viewpoint
Volume 4, No. 3
Gwen Gregory
Music Preservation: Developing an Ongoing Program
Gregor Trinkaus Randall
Library Binding as a Preservation Option
Marv Bergman
State Historical Society of Iowa Library Collections Jeopardized
Volume 4, No. 2
Gregor Trinkaus-Randall
Security Issues for Special Collections
Nancy Craft
Tips on Protective Enclosures for Pamphlets
Ivan Hanthorn
Tips on Preserving Scrapbooks
Sheila Miller
Partnership in Preservation
Volume 4, No. 1
Janet Brennan Croft
Mold Fighting on a Tight Budget
Margit J. Smith
Special Collections-Special Treatment: The treatment of books destined for Special Collections or the Rare Book Room
Volume 3, No. 4
Karen Novick
Rutgers University Offers Certification in Preservation
Ivan Hanthorn
Tips on Preserving Photographs
Nancy Kraft and Ivan Hanthorn
Tips on Preserving Your Documents
Todd Frye
The Chop or Printer’s Mark: Its History and Use in Authenticating the Fine Art Print
Volume 3, No. 3
Pamela Pirio
The Problem of Conservation in Small Libraries and a Practical Solution
Noel A. Carmack
Post Binding as an Alternative to Leaf Attachment
Craig A. Tuttle
Book Review: An Ounce of Preservation
Volume 3, No. 2
Margit J. Smith
Handle With Care, the Proper Way to Treat Books
Peter F. Schmid
Code Blue: The Utah State University Cyanotype Collection
Gary Menges
Improved Staff Training Enhances Preservation of Collections
Volume 3, No. 1
Normandy Helmer
Keeping Scores: Music Preservation at the University of Oregon Library
Julia Franklin
Pamphlet Binding at Idaho State Library
Volume 2, No. 3
Preserving Mark Twain
Jerry Stern
Preservation Photocopy Worth the Labor Intensive Task
Mark Woodhouse
Volume 2, No. 2
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Care of Photographs
Gary Frost
Report on the First Annual Books on Demand Symposium
Volume 2, No. 1
Nancy Kraft
The Iowa Cooperative Preservation Consortium
Volume 1, No. 4
Karen Mason
Breaking New Ground in Special Collections and Historic Preservation: The Iowa Women’s Archives at the University of Iowa Libraries
Volume 1, No. 3
Wes Boomgaarden
An Edition of One: Xerographic Replacements to Meet Continuing Demand for Brittle Books in Book Format
Volume 1, No. 2
Linda Nainis
Description of Cooperative Preservation Photocopying Project
Janet Gertz
Columbia Libraries Annex Disaster
Volume 1, No. 1 Pamphlet Binders and Their Use in Research Libraries
Pamphlet Binders and Their Use in Research Libraries
Randy Silverman
The Oversew Option
James W. Craven

Biblioth�que nationale de France (BnF)
Actualit�s de la conservation : lettre d'information (in French)

"Its main objective is to provide information on current events in the field of preservation: technical notes, progress of research programs in conservation, congress reports, upcoming events and literature review. Its primary role is to report, gather information and provide specialized elements and references to learn more."

British Museum
British Museum Technical Research Bulletin

"The Technical Research Bulletin publishes the results of collaborative work by the British Museum's curators, conservators and scientists covering a broad range of objects and materials from across the Museum's collection. "Published once a year, each issue aims to encompass objects from different continents, historical periods and material types. The Bulletin is designed to appeal both to those with a general interest in the Museum's collections and those with a specialist interest who wish to broaden their horizons."

A Ciência e a Arte Newsletter (Science and Art)
Created by António João Cruz. In Portugese. Information on materials, analytic/technical examination, etc.

E.C.C.O. Newsletter

European Confederation of Conservator-Restorers' Organizations (E.C.C.O.) seeks to develop and promote, on a practical, scientific and cultural level, the profession of Conservator-Restorer of Cultural Property. Its main objectives are to promote a high level of training and to work toward legal recognition of professional status.

Guild of Book Workers Newsletter

The Guild of Book Workers Newsletter appears 6 times a year. In it you will find the latest in GBW news, reports from the chapters, reports of conferences or meetings, supplies being offered for sale, publication reviews, and an extensive calendar of events.

Hendrix Group Reporter The Hendrix Group Reporter� corrosion newsletter
"Articles address topical materials and corrosion issues that we think may be of interest to the corrosion community. Additional newsletters will be published as time and subject matter permits ..."

ICCROM Newsletter

ICOM-CC Working Group on Ethnographic Collections
Ethnographic Conservation Newsletter

The Ethnographic Working Group also publishes electronically the Ethnographic Conservation Newsletter on an annual or semi-annual basis. It is publicly accessible for the first 5 weeks of its electronic posting. After 5 weeks, the Newsletter access becomes restricted to paid ICOM or ICOM-CC members or Friends of ICOM-CC.

ICOM-CC Working Groups for 'Education & Training' & 'Modern Materials and Contemporary Art'
Training Needs for the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art

News in Conservation (NiC)

"News in Conservation is the newspaper from IIC and is published six times per year. Together with long features contributed by authors, NiC includes reports from the world of conservation, preservation and cultural heritage, with the aim of being an international platform for sharing information, news and more.

"The full issue can be downloaded from

"or the paper version can be requested by contacting the IIC office International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
3, Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ UK"

"The goal of The Iris is to share. Through first-person perspectives, in-depth articles, and videos, we strive to offer news, stories, and discoveries about art, conservation, research, and philanthropy and to provide an entertaining and substantive behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of the Getty.

Preservation & Conservation Administration News
A quite remarkable resource for anyone involved with library, archives, books, paper. Includes material gleaned from a wide variety of sources (newsletters, blogs, websites, mailing lists, etc.) as well as original material.

"Back in the day we had two great print publications, Conservation Administration News and the Abbey Newsletter. Before the Internet and social networking, these were THE publications for news and information related to library and archives preservation and conservation. ... experiment: Preservation & Conservation Administration News or

"With a nod to these two venerable publications, we introduce a new experiment: Preservation & Conservation Administration News or PCAN. We invite you to share in the experience. ..."

Preservation Online
The magazine of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Online posts a news story every day about historic preservation. In addition it includes excerpts from the print magazine Preservation, alerts to imminent teardowns, real estate listings of historic properties, and other items of interest to people concerned with Historic preservation.

WAAC Newsletter

Published 3 times a year, WAAC Newsletter (ISSN 1052-0066) is a publication of the nonprofit Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC). Published since 1979, the WAAC Newsletter publishes ideas, information, news, and other material pertaining to the conservation of cultural property, especially matters of interest to conservators in the western United States.

Each issue contains several feature articles as well as regular columns including:

Regional News
Technical Exchange
Health & Safety
Articles You May Have Missed
Publications and Audiovisual Conference Reviews

Resources at other sites

ALR News: The Newsletter of the Art Loss Register

Collections Caretaker

"Collections Caretaker is the Northern States Conservation Center's quarterly publication. Emphasizing preservation of museum collections, it covers topics of interest to large and small institutions of every type and description, including living history museums, art museums, natural history museums, historical societies and privately owned collections. Filled with practical information that you can apply to the care of your collection, the goal of the Collection Caretaker is to keep you up to date on advances in the museum field and provide case studies of interesting collections care solutions. It will keep you informed of useful workshops, publications and grant deadlines."

Some highlights include:

Vol.1 No.1 Long Range Preservation Planning
"It takes a staff to care for a collection" by Helen Alten
"Getting your museum on the Internet" by Eric Swanson
"A good long-range plan combines survey recommendations and fiscal opportunities" by Helen Alten
Vol.1 No.2 Vacuum Cleaners
"Vacuums put power into annual cleaning" by Helen Alten
"Use the Net to find preservation resources" by Eric Swanson
"Electronic security systems at a small museum: the Adams Memorial Museum case study" by Mary Kopco
"Selecting sealants for your building" by Jeff Oertel
Vol.1 No.3 Integrated Pest Management
"Integrate pest management into operations" by Wendy Jessup
"Take care to follow pesticide regulations" by Mary Ballard and Tom Parker
"An IPM Checklist for Planning and Implementing Pest Control on Art and Artifact Collections" by Mary Ballard
Vol.1 No.4 Indoor Generated Pollutants
"Monitoring and beating the enemy within: Indoor-generated pollutants" by Cecily Grzywacz and Helen Alten Grant Deadlines
"Screening Conservation, Storage and Exhibit Materials Using Acid-Detection Strips" by Catherine Nicholson and Elissa O'Loughlin
Vol.2 No.1 Fire Recovery
"A small fire required a big recovery effort" by Shelly Sjøvold and Helen Alten
"Recovering from a fire, flood or earthquake: An organized response makes all the difference" by Helen Alten
"Emergency preparedness and recovery services available"
Vol.2 No.2 Temperature and Relative Humidity
"How temperature and relative humidity affect collection deterioration rates" by Helen Alten
"Developing a relationship with local reporters will help the museum in future contacts" by Tim Huber

Preservation and Access International Newsletter

"The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) grew out of the 1997 merger of the Commission on Preservation and Access and the Council on Library Resources. CLIR identifies the critical issues that affect the welfare and prospects of libraries and archives and the constituencies they serve, convenes individuals and organizations in the best position to engage these issues and respond to them, and encourages institutions to work collaboratively to achieve and manage change.

"Preservation and Access International Newsletter seeks to inform readers about preservation and access initatives worldwide and to provide a basis for the direct exchange of ideas and information."

Commission on Preservation and Access Newsletter

Issued 10 times a year, the Newsletter covers national and internation preservation issues, including digital libraries, imaging, reformatting, etc. The mission of the Commission on Preservation and Access is to foster, develop, and support collaboration among libraries and allied organizations to ensure the preservation of the published and documentary record in all formats, and to provide enduring access to scholarly information.

Getty Conservation Institute
Conservation, The GCI Newsletter

Florence Art News
Webmagazine on art and culture of Florence and Tuscany. Has feature articles on conservation
Alessandro Gatto
The Last Judgement following restoration

NCC Washington Updates

"NCC Washington Updates provide current information on legislation, hearings, markups, and federal policy issues of concern to historians, librarians, archivists and the general public.

"NCC is a coalition of 53 scholarly organizations, including H-Net. NCC is the history profession's lobby in Washington, and its positions reflect the consensus of its member organizations."

Sandro Pintus
The Restoration of de Wit's Map "Nova Totius Terrarum Orbis Tabula"
"The Crowning of the Madonna with eight angels" the beginning of the restoration of the work by Bernardo Daddi

Rita Messeri
Restoration of books in the National Library of Florence

Gato Medici
The restoration of Perseus direct on Internet

Special Issue
November 4th 1966

Journal of Film Preservation (Formerly Bulletin Fiaf)
Items of special interest include

Number 46, April 1993
Acetate or Polyester? Mechanical Properties and Indicators for Film Stability
Joâo Sórates de Oliveira

"Film archives all over the world have for some time been experiencing a phenomenon - the deterioration of films on safety bases, known as the "vinegar syndrome". This phenomenon rises to significant proportions in a number of film archives, principally those located in hot and humid climates, the problem being more serious than that caused by film on a cellulose nitrate base. Someting has to be done to save the contents recorded upon these deteriorating bases, to prevent a total loss of the information they hold, taking into account the high speed of reactions involved in this process. The purpose of this article is to analyze the mechanical behaviour of safety bases resulting from transformations having occurred in their molecular structure during the deterioration process as well as to discuss the selection of polyester film as a stable receiving base when transferring from bases of deteriorated acetates."

Number 47, October 1993
Clicks, Crackles, Thumps and Hiss. Experience Gathered whilst Restoring Old Film Soundtracks: The Mistress of Atlantis by G.W. Pabst (1932)
by Klaus-Peter Schmitt

"Various problems cropped up during the restoration of the soundtrack of the feature film The Mistress of Atlantis which are typical of those arising from the bad condition of old films. Attemps to eliminate the damage occasionally tested the limits of existing processing systems..."

Number 48, April 1993
Recreating the Experience of Tinted and Toned Black and White Prints: An Alternative Method"
by Chris Swinbanks

"The opportunity for the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia to participate in the 12th Pordenone Silent Film Festival (1993) created an exciting challenge, and gave the vital impetus, for us to reconstruct some of Australia's finest early cinema material and create new projection print."

Storage of Acetate Film Materials: A Discussion at the National Archives and Records Administration
by William T. Murphy

"The NARA Advisory Committee on Preservation met on September 14, 1993, to discuss a number of issues relating to the storage of acetate film materials."

Number 49, October 1994
Copyright, Neighbouring Rights and Film Archives
Michael Henry
Reconstructing Die Jagd nach dem Tode
Number 50, March 1995
The rs Experience in Mixing Politics and Film Preservation
David Francis National Film Preservation Act: the Library of Congress
Another Cinema Must Be Saved: On the Preservation of Avant-garde and Experimental Cinema
Mary Lea Bandy
Film / Digital / Film
Michael Friend
Where's the Rest of Me? The Problem of Completeness in the Film Catalogue
Roger Smither
The Building Blocks of Film Archiving
Talk presented by Ray Edmondson at the lecture/workshop on film archiving, Australia Centre, Manila, on 21 April 1994
Number 51, March 1995
The Asean Connection: Reflections on the ASEAN Seminar on Film and Video Archive Management
Ray Edmondson
The National Film Preservation Plan: An Implementation Strategy
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., June 1995
Number 52, April 1996
Preserving the Non-Fiction Films: Los Angeles Symposium on non fiction films
Working in the Film World of Non Fiction
William T. Murphy
Non Fiction Film and National Culture
Janet McBain
The Massive Mess of Mass Memory
Iola Baines and Gwenan Owen
Artifacts of Culture
Karen Ishizuka
Collecting Films of the Jewish Diaspora: The Role of the Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive
Marilyn Koolik

Some Thoughts On Accessing Film Collections
Sabine Lenk, Cinmathque Royale de Belgique
The Symposium on Archival Rights in Jerusalem
Hoos Blotkamp
With Williamson Beneath the Sea
Technical Column, Brian Taves
Hand Papermaking Newsletter
Only tables of contents are online. "Hand Papermaking, Inc., is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing traditional and contemporary ideas in the art of hand papermaking through publications and other educational formats. Founded in 1986 with the publication of the first issue of Hand Papermaking magazine, the primary goal of the organization has been to provide information to a diverse international audience of paper artists, mills, dealers, historians, conservators, and other aficionados of handmade paper."

Minnesota Historical Society
The Minnesota Preservation Planner

"The Minnesota Preservation Planner is an illustrated, four-page newsletter on historic preservation current issues and events, published quarterly. Included as an insert in The Minnesota History Interpreter and sent separately to local and county historical societies, historic preservation commissions and certified local governments."

Tech Talk newsletter
Conserving firearms, Part 1. (PDF)
Conserving firearms, Part 2. (PDF)
Caring for photographic materials, Part I. (PDF)
Caring for photographs, Part 2. (PDF)
Caring for glass-plate photographic negatives. (PDF)
Conserving political buttons. (PDF)
Treating and maintaining masonry, Part 1. (PDF)
Treating and maintaining masonry, Part 2. (PDF)
Preserving historic quilts. (PDF)
Caring for sports memorabilia. (PDF)
Preserving newspapers. (PDF)
Conserving archaelogical artifacts found under water

IFLA Core Programme for Preservation and Conservation (PAC)
International Preservation News (IPN)

National Park Service
Conserve O Grams

"...short, focused leaflets about caring for museum objects, published in loose-leaf format." PDF versions are available online:

1. Museum Collection Preservation
1/1 Preservation of Museum Collections
1/2 Bibliography
1/3 Preventive Conservation Recommendations for Organic Objects
1/4 Use of Acryloid B-72 Lacquer for Labeling Museum Objects
1/5 Salvaging Acidic or Damaged Museum Accession Books
1/6 Choosing a Vacuum Cleaner for Use in Museum Collections

2. Security, Fire, and Curatorial Safety
2/1 Hazardous Materials Health and Safety Update
2/2 Ethylene Oxide Health and Safety Update
2/3 Arsenic Health and Safety Update
2/4 Dichlorvos (Vapona) Update
2/5 Fossil Vertebrates as Radon Source: Health Update
2/6 Preparing Salvage Caches for Emergency Use
2/7 Fabricating Secure Hangers for Framed Works of Art
2/8 Hantavirus Disease Health and Safety Update
2/9 Tamper-Resistant Fasteners for Museum Exhibit Cases
2/10 Hazardous Materials in Your Collections

3. Agents of Deterioration
3/1 Using a Psychrometer to Measure Relative Humidity
3/2 Calibration of Hygrometers and Hygrothermographs
3/3 Datalogger Applications in Monitoring the Museum Environment (Revised)
3/4 Mold and Mildew: Prevention of Microorganism Growth in Museum Collections
3/5 Volcanic Ash: Cleaning Museum Objects
3/6 An Insect Pest Control Procedure: The Freezing Process
3/7 Monitoring Insect Pests with Sticky Traps
3/8 Controlling Insect Pests: Alternatives to Pesticides

4. Museum Collections Storage
4/1 Museum Storage Cabinets
4/2 Dust Covers for Open Steel Shelving
4/3 Installing the Retrofit Gasket Kit
4/4 Creating a Microclimate for Oversized Museum Objects
4/5 Storage Techniques for Hanging Garments: Padded Hangers
4/6 Storage Techniques for Canoe Paddles and Long-Handled Tools
4/7 Museum Collection Storage Space: Is an Insulated Modular Structure Right for your Collection?
4/8 Selecting Environmental Control Systems for Insulated Modular Structures
4/9 Buffered and Unbuffered Storage Materials
4/10 Determining Museum Storage Equipment Needs
4/11 Determining Museum Storage Space Requirements
4/12 Ring Supports for Pottery and Round-Based Objects
4/13 Modifying Museum Storage Cabinets
4/14 Planning a Research Space

5. Ethnographic Objects
5/1 Storage Supports for Basket Collections
5/2 Storage Mounts for Feathered Headdresses and Soft-Sided Hats and Caps

6. Archeological Objects
6/1 First Aid for Wet-Site Objects
6/2 Desalinization: Passive Alkaline Soak
6/3 Testing for Chlorides with Silver Nitrate
6/4 Making Percent Solutions of Chemicals
6/5 Soluble Salts and Deterioration of Archeological Materials

7. Furniture and Wooden Objects
7/1 Cleaning Wood Furniture
7/2 Waxing Furniture and Wooden Objects
7/3 Protecting Wood with Preservatives and Water Repellants
7/4 Upholstered Furniture: Agents of Deterioration
7/5 Dusting Wooden Objects
7/6 Silicone in Furniture Waxes and Polishes
7/7 Emergency Treatment for Water-Soaked Furniture and Wooden Objects

8. Ceramic, Glass, and Plaster Objects
8/1 Removing Dust from Ceramic and Glass Objects
8/2 Storing and Handling Plaster Objects

9. Leather and Skin Objects
9/1 Leather Dressing: To Dress or Not to Dress

10. Metal Objects

11. Natural History Specimens
11/1 Removing Wet Specimens from Long-Term Storage in Formalin
11/2 Storage Concerns for Geological Collections

12. Paintings
12/1 Storage Screens for Paintings

13. Paper Objects
13/1 Window Mats for Paper Objects
13/2 How to Flatten Folded or Rolled Paper Documents
13/3 Polyester Encapsulation
13/4 Exhibit Mounting Variations for Objects on Paper

14. Photographs
14/1 Making Mounting Corners for Photographs and Paper Objects
14/2 Storage Enclosures for Photographic Prints and Negatives
14/3 Chronology of Photographic Processes
14/4 Caring for Photographs: General Guidelines
14/5 Caring for Photographs: Special Formats
14/6 Caring for Color Photographs
14/7 Caring for Photographs: Special Monochrome Processes
14/8 Caring for Cellulose Nitrate Film

15. Stone Objects

16. Textile Objects
16/1 Causes, Detection, and Prevention of Mold and Mildew on Textiles

17. Packing and Shipping Museum Objects
17/1 Checklist for Planning the Shipment of Museum Objects
17/2 Packing Museum Objects for Shipment
17/3 Crating Museum Objects for Shipment
17/4 Retrofitting a Moving Van to Transport Museum Collections

18. Museum Exhibits
18/1 Polyester Film Book Supports

19. Archival and Manuscript Collections and Rare Books
19/1 What makes a Book Rare?
19/2 Care and Security of Rare Books
19/3 Use and Handling of Rare Books
19/4 Archives: Preservation Through Photocopying
19/5 Removing Original Fasteners from Historic Documents
19/6 Attachments for Multi-Page Historic Documents
19/7 Archives: Reference Photocopying
19/8 Preservation of Magnetic Media
19/9 Caring for Blueprints and Cyanotypes
19/10 Reformatting for Preservation and Access: Prioritizing Materials for Duplication
19/11 Preservation Reformatting: Selecting a Copy Technology
19/12 Contracting for Reformatting of Photographs
19/13 Preservation Reformatting: Inspection of Copy Photographs
19/14 Judging Permanence for Reformatting Projects: Paper and Inks
19/15 Storing Archival Paper-Based Materials
19/16 Housing Archival Paper-Based Materials
19/17 Handling Archival Documents and Manuscripts
19/18 How to Care for Bound Archival Materials
19/19 Care of Archival Compact Disks
19/20 Care of Archival Digital and Magnetic Media

Regional Alliance for Preservation (RAP)
RAP Newsletter

Research Library Group
RLG DigiNews

[Produced] in cooperation with the Cornell University Library Department of Preservation and Conservation to provide you with this new publication. RLG DigiNews is a quarterly web-based newsletter intended to:

  • Focus on issues of particular interest and value to managers of digital initiatives with a preservation component or rationale.
  • Provide filtered guidance and pointers to relevant projects to improve our awareness of evolving practices in image conversion and digital archiving.
  • Announce publications (in any form) that will help staff attain a deeper understanding of digital issues.

Skin Deep
The Biannual Newsletter from J. Hewit & Sons Ltd.
Volume 1 - Spring 1996
Romania - A new Start
The Gregynog Press and its Private Estate
The Manufacture of Leather - part 1
Agent's Profile - Bookbinders Warehouse, USA
A Plea from Our Warehouse Manager
Volume 2 - Autumn 1996
The Rigid Concave Spine
The Manufacture of Leather - part 2
A Wry Look at Papermills
Agent's Profile - Productos de Conservacion, Spain
Leather 'Bloom' - Causes and Remedies
Volume 3 - Spring 1997
The College of Arms - London
Leather Staining, Dyeing and Decorating
The Manufacture of Leather - part 3
Agent's Profile - Anton Glaser, Germany
B.O.O.K.(tm) - A New Aid to Rapid Learning
Letters & Feedback
Volume 4 - Autumn 1997
Some Thoughts on Book Production
The Manufacture of Leather - part 4
The Institute of Bookbinding & Allied Trades
The Company Man
Letters & Feedback
Volume 5 - Spring 1998
Historical Profile - Sangorski & Sutcliffe and Zaehnsdorf
Foredge Painting
The Manufacture of Leather - part 5
The Society of Bookbinders
Letters & Feedback
Tip of the Day
Leather News & Update

(In German only) "Restauro, die Fachzeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie, Restaurierung und Museumsfragen bietet Ihnen an dieser Stelle in Kürze ein umfassendes Online Forum, rund um die bereits in der gedruckten Ausgabe bewährten Inhalte und Themenspektren. Das Angebot erstreckt sich über aktuelle und zurückliegende Inhalte, Neuigkeiten aus den verschiedenen Fachbereichen, eine interaktive Stellendatenbank und vieles mehr. Abgerundet durch das FORUM, in dem sich Restauratoren aller Disziplinen austauschen können, bietet Restauro Online eine Diskussionsplattform für die gesamte Branche."

A Title list of IADA contributions to Restauro is also available.

Rundbrief Fotografie
(In German, with English Abstracts) "Der "Rundbrief Fotografie" entstand 1989 als xerokopiertes Mitteilungsblatt der Arbeitsgruppe "Fotografie im Museum" des Museumsverbands Baden-W�rttemberg, die sich unter dem Motto "Rettet die Bilder - Fotografien sind �berall" dem schleichenden Zerfall der Zeugnisse des Bildmediums Fotografie widmete und f�r einen konservatorisch und inhaltlich kompetenten Umgang einsetzte. Das letzte Heft (22) des Mitteilungsblattes war zugleich die Nullnummer der Neuen Folge (N.F.), die ab 1994 in gedruckter Form als Quartals-Zeitschrift erscheint. Der "Rundbrief Fotografie" hat sich zwischenzeitlich zur f�hrenden Fachzeitschrift f�r fotografische Sammlungen und Archive im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickelt und wird von Fotografen, Kultur- und Naturwissenschaftlern, Restauratoren und Sammlern in 21 L�ndern gelesen. Inzwischen widmen sich f�nf Sonderhefte grundlegenden Themenkomplexen."

Produced by Conservation By Design, Timecare Magazine is

"a publication produced specifically to offer an industry insight to both conservators and professionals working throughout the Heritage sector.

"Designed to share information from across a whole spectrum of conservation disciplines, Timecare Magazine provides articles on the latest innovations, news and developments, whilst celebrating sector successes and discussing the most pertinent issues of the day, all achieved with the valuable insight of a host of seasoned independent contributors"

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