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Réf : remplacing wire?

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Hello Verónica,

I have used in the past «premium quality stainless steel suture wire - mono filament» manufactured by Zimmer, USA. It was purchased at a local medical supply store and the supplier mentioned that these wires are often used by orthopaedic surgeons. It comes in many thicknesses, very, very, fine to quite thick.

All the best,


Sharon Little
Responsable - Atelier des textiles

Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine
Centre de conservation du Québec
1825, rue Semple
Québec (Québec) G1N 4B7

Téléphone: (418) 643-7001 poste 230
Télécopieur: (418) 646-5419

Masquage de détails inactifVerónica García <verog85@xxxxxxxxxxx>Verónica García <verog85@xxxxxxxxxxx>

                  Verónica García <verog85@xxxxxxxxxxx>
                  Envoyé par : Textile Conservators <TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

                  2008-08-19 17:48

                  Veuillez répondre à
                  Textile Conservators <TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>





remplacing wire?

Hi everyone,
we are working on a collection of figurines of a nativity scene. All robes are made of silk finished with a wire inside the hem of the sleeves. Most of them are rusty and need to be replaced, maybe with an insert with similar characteristics.
Does anybody have any experience with something similar (nylon perhaps) that shows the appearance of the wire???


Veronica Garcia
Textile Conservator in private practice

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