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Re: [CIPPNEWS-L] Fwd: Certification testing

As Paul Messier has already suggested, I think it would be a really good idea for people to review the literature that Victoria sent and other material from the AIC Newsletters and the websites.  Some of the reasoning behind the decisions that have been made are explained there.
Clearly book knowledge alone does not a conservator make and that was one of the reasons why it will take several years beyond the receipt of a degree to even be allowed to site for the exam.  The idea is that by the point that people could take the exam - program trained conservators will have acquired requisite hands skills and apprenticeship trained conservators will have acquired the fundamental body of knowledge necessary.  Nobody thinks that this initial training alone makes us competent but who can argue that having a good handle on a certain level of 'book' knowledge will hurt?
As I understand it, one of the reasons for moving to an exam with an essay component is so that it isn't a memorization test and that the ability to demonstrate good writing and reasoning, which are essential in our field, will be included.  Judging true hand-skills through practical testing, site visits or portfolio review were all considered but were weighed against the cost.  I doubt many people in this group would be prepared to pay thousands of dollars for certification.  Again, so people making analogies to other professions understand, architecture licensing (again we are talking about certification for conservators not licensing) involves mastering a wide body of knowledge and you must have several years of experience and a portfolio to even sit the numerous exams each of which cost a few hundred dollars.  That might be great, but AIC members made clear that people didn't want something that extensive and expensive.  This process of certification has been about finding a balance between what people want, what we are willing to do and what is worth doing. 
I still must say that I don't understand the idea that because the current tiered membership structure (PA, Fellow) allowed in people that some thought 'poor' conservators that the system isn't worth participating in - and I feel the same about the certification process.  Wouldn't it be better if more 'good' conservators were on the AIC referral list for people to find?  I think that would do a lot more for our own outreach and marketing.  As has been mentioned by others, I think that CIPPers have the most to gain by certification and it would be great for us to lead the way as this process starts.
Rachael Perkins Arenstein

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