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Re: Transparency

Dear Stephanie,

For conserving transparent textiles I have used either Stabiltex or high-quality, fine, nylon bobbinet net (obtained from Dukkeries in England).  I have generally not used silk crepeline because of concerns about its poor aging properties.

For more discussion about backing fabrics, including transparent ones, please see the Textile Conservation Catalogue, Chapter VI, Sec. H: Stabilization by Non-adhesive
Methods.  You can order this from the AIC office.  See: http://aic.stanford.edu/library/print/index.html.

Best of luck with your thesis,
Deborah Trupin

-----Original Message-----
From: Textile Conservators [mailto:TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stephanie Guarneri
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:22 AM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Transparency

I am a textile conservation student in Paris. I am currently writing my thesis on issues concerning transparencies in textile conservation. 
I am doing a survey on current practices and backing materials specifically used  when conserving transparent textiles such as lace, muslin, tulle or organza.

It seems that current practices in that field vary from a country to another. For instance, in France we use mainly silk crêpeline and silk tulle. Do you use Stabiltex? or other backing fabrics?

If this subject is of any interest to you, I would be very helpful to have your opinion.


Stephanie Ovide Guarneri
email: stephanie_guarneri@xxxxxxxxx

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