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Re: UV block in spray form
I conducted research regarding UV absorbers for use in protective sprays such as this some years ago. Results showed that the spray-applied after market UV absorbers provided very limited protection. If they were extremely effective, I believe that streaking would occur over time from the inevitably uneven spray application. I could not recommend them. They may do no harm, but they would do relatively little good in reducing fading.
Patricia Crews
Willa Cather Professor of Textiles & Director
International Quilt Study Center & Museum
33rd & Holdrege Streets
Dept. of Textiles, Clothing & Design
P.O. Box 830838
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68583-0838
PHONE: 402/472-6342
FAX: 402/472-0640
Collecting, Preserving, Exhibiting, Studying …
Judy Schwender <sister3603@xxxxxxxxx>
Judy Schwender <sister3603@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: Textile Conservators <TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
01/28/2008 05:01 PM
Please respond to
Textile Conservators <TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> |
Hello all,
An art quilter I know who has moved to south Florida wrote me the following:
As you can imagine sun fading is an issue down here. But I'm not enthusiastic about chemicals on quilts. So here is my question: do you have any recommendation about a product called Fabric Shield Fabric Protection. The website says it is acid free and has no CFAs, and it will block UV rays, dust, dirt, spills and oil. It makes the item water repellant. Sounds like it does everything but sew the sleeve on the quilt, which makes me a little leery. Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.
If you have any experience with this product, please let me know.
Thank you so much.
Judy Schwender
Curator of Collections / Registrar
(Museum of the American Quilter's Society)
215 Jefferson Street
Paducah, KY 42001
(270) 442-8856 ext. 30
Fax: (270) 442-5448
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