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The Smithsonian’s Office of Research Training and Services (ORTS) has announced one-year fellowships for recent graduates of masters programs in art and archaeological conservation or for conservation scientists to conduct research and gain further training at the Smithsonian in the conservation of objects in its collections.  The fellowship begins in the fall of 2008. A stipend of $30,000 is being offered plus allowances. The prospective fellow must first contact the conservator or scientist with whom he or she would like to work. If the potential supervisor confirms that candidacy is suitable, application must be made through ORTS. Program guidelines, instructions, cover sheets, and letters for your referees are available on the ORTS web site (http://www.si.edu/ofg/ofgapp.htm). The deadline is January 15, 2008.


As one of the conservation laboratories in which a fellowship is offered, the Smithsonian’s Museum Conservation Institute (MCI) offers postings for treatment of Smithsonian material and research projects that make use of MCI’s excellent analytical capabilities (http://www/si.edu/mci/). Contact:


Mary Ballard, Senior Textiles Conservator, 301-238- 1210, ballardm@xxxxxx

Harriet F. (Rae) Beaubien, Senior Objects Conservator (archaeological materials), 301-238-1235, beaubienh@xxxxxx  

Paula T. DePriest, Deputy Director (biodeterioration), 301-238-1206, depriestp@xxxxxx

Carol Grissom, Senior Objects Conservator, 301-238-1236, grissomc@xxxxxx  

Robert J. Koestler, Director (biodeterioration), 301-238-1205, koestlerr@xxxxxx

Marion Mecklenburg, Senior Research Scientist, 301-238-1241, mecklenburgm@xxxxxx

Jeff Speakman, Head of Technical Studies, 301-238-1242, speakmanj@xxxxxx

Jia-Sun Tsang, Senior Paintings Conservator (modern materials), 301-238-1231, tsangj@xxxxxx  

Melvin Wachowiak, Senior Conservator (advanced imaging, 3D scanning), 301-238-1218, wachowiakm@xxxxxx

Donald C. Williams, Senior Furniture Conservator (wooden artifacts), 301-238-1239, williamsd@xxxxxx   


Fellows may also be hosted at other Smithsonian conservation laboratories, with the possibility of additional facilities for analytical work available at MCI. Contact the following conservators:


Richard Barden, National Museum of American History (202-633-3638; bardenr@xxxxxx) for objects, paper,                

            costumes, and textile conservation

Ellen Chase, Freer Gallery/Sackler Museum (202-633-0365; chaseel@xxxxxx) for objects, paper, and paintings

conservation of Freer/Sackler collections (primarily Asian material)

Christina Cole, National Air and Space Museum (301-238-1603; colecl@xxxxxx) for objects conservation

Lucy Commoner, Cooper-Hewitt Museums (212-849-8461; Commonerl@xxxxxx) for textile and paper


Eliza Gilligan, SI Libraries (202-633-4713; gilligane@xxxxxx) for book conservation

Greta Hansen, National Museum of Natural History (301-238-1306; hanseng@xxxxxx) for anthropological objects


Helen Ingalls, Smithsonian American Art Museum (202-633-5804; hingalls@xxxxxx) for objects and paper


Marian Kaminitz, National Museum of the American Indian (301-238-1415; kaminitzm@xxxxxx) for

                                archaeological and ethnographic objects and textile conservation

Susan Lake, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden (202-633-2731; lakes@xxxxxx) for conservation of modern


                    Steve Mellor, National Museum of African Art (202-633-4616; smellor@xxxxxx) for objects conservation

Lou Molnar, National Portrait Gallery (202-633-5822; molnarl@xxxxxx) for paintings and paper conservation

Sarah Stauderman, Smithsonian Institution Archives (202-633-5921; staudermans@xxxxxx) for archives and
