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Time Sensitive: Call for Textile Specialty Group Nominations for Vice-Chair and Treasurer

Call for nominations: The Textile Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation is seeking candidates to run for the separate positions of Treasurer and Vice-chair beginning April 2008.
The Treasurer oversees the financial activities of the Textile Specialty Group. This position has traditionally been renewable for a second two-year term, should an officer decide to continue in that post.
The Vice-chair position is a two year commitment. In the first year, the Vice-chair coordinates the TSG program at the AIC Annual Meeting. In the second year the Vice Chair assumes the responsibility of the Chair.
Successful candidates should be TSG members and be able to attend the Annual Meetings; Serving as a board member is a great way to expand relationships with your textile conservation colleagues and to gain a better understanding of our parent organization: AIC. Board members have 50% of the annual conference registration fee covered by the TSG. For further information, please contact a member of the nominating committee: Valerie Soll (vbsoll@xxxxxxxxx), Christine Giuntini. (Christine.Giuntini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and Kathleen Kiefer (KKiefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). We would like to hear from potential candidates by January 15th, 2008. Thank you for supporting the TSG.

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