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Journal in textiles conservation

Dear Colleagues.
First of all I have the pleasure e-mailing you from Athens, I do more works in my PhD, and now hopping to publish 3 papers from this work, but my supervisor and all members in Committee suggested that must be publish 1 or 2 papers in journals, donot  all in conference. for this reason I am seeking your help to guide me about journals and scientific magazines  ( Name , address, and haw to contact with him) that interesting by this topic or in textiles conservation  that I can publish my papers in its. wait yours replay. 
Please accept my best wishes, and my deep thanks

Harby Ezzeldeen Hassan Ahmed.
B.A, M.A Historical Textiles Conservation.
Textiles Conservator.
Assistant Lecturer - Conservation Department-
Faculty of Archeology - Cairo University - Egypt.
Ph.D Candidate ?Biotechnology Application in Textiles Conservation?.
Department of Chemical Engineering - National Technical University of Athens - Greece.
E-mail : harbyezzeldeen@xxxxxxxxx.
Cell phone: +306945572550

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