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Re: Question about rolling quilts for storage

We store most of our quilts folded and in boxes. We refold them on a regular schedule of about once every two years. We have been very pleased with the results. Usually, no creasing is evident and if there is a slight crease/distortion when a quilt comes out of the box, it disappears within a short time after being opened out and hung or placed on a slant board. It takes much less time to refold a quilt and return it to storage than to re-roll a quilt properly. We find all care and handling to be simpler with box storage versus rolled storage.

Patricia Cox Crews
Willa Cather Professor of Textiles &
Director, International Quilt Study Center
Dept. of Textiles, Clothing & Design
234 HE Building, P.O. Box 830838
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68583-0838
PHONE: 402/472-6342
FAX: 402/472-0640

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