TEXCONS - Subject Thread Index for 07 2006

Last updated: Mon Jul 31 21:13:59 GMT 2006
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • Textile Specialty Group AIC April 2007, Ballard, Mary
  • 1 1/4" ID rolling tubes, Giuntini, Christine
  • Info Query, Nancy Love
  • Textile Conservation Group (NYC) workshop Sept 13 2006, Ballard, Mary
  • Sharing Info, Nancy Love
  • Position at Indianapolis Museum of Art, Joanne Hackett
  • Jane Merritt/HFC/NPS is out of the office., Jane Merritt
  • job posting to share, Kimberly Kotary
  • Kerstin Ljungkvist/vgregion har semester, Kerstin Ljungkvist
  • Call for papers, Tracey Wedge
  • Textile Machinery, H H Traders

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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