Fakes, Forgeries,
& Fabrications—is the theme of the upcoming AIC
conference. It’s going to be held next April, from the 16th to the 20th.
Please plan to attend and to find yourself informed, entertained, and
networked! The Textiles Specialty Group sessions will address the theme in a
variety of ways; as always, the sessions will also provide updates and
thoughtful presentations. We would like to have anyone who prepares a textile
related poster present a short synopsis of the poster to the TSG during the session.
Abstract submissions for presentations and posters are due September 1st
in order to accommodate the 2007 program schedule—name(s), title,
preliminary abstract to the TSG program chair Mary W. Ballard Senior Textiles
Conservator, Museum
Conservation Institute, Smithsonian Institution tel: 301-238-1210
fax: 301-238-3709 email ballardm@xxxxxx Antique and historic
textile collections abound with examples ‘influenced by’ and
‘knock-offs’ and ‘pastiches’—textiles that are
either forgeries or creative efforts, intentional or unintentional, flattering
or ugly, ambiguous or definitive. It may be said that all textile technology is
a search for a better way to improvise a less expensive copy. The conservation,
the history, the art and science associated with textile ‘fakes, forgeries, and fabrications’ may
provide some intriguing sessions. Plan to be there, and most especially, to contribute
an abstract! Those who garden or enjoy landscape gardening may want to note that the
famous Virginia Garden month is April and The Virginia Historic Garden Week
begins April 21st, at the close of the AIC 2007 Annual Meeting . See
the website http://www.VAGardenweek.org/