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Re: Group order of a new book on Italian Laces

If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy of the following
book, they should contact Rebecca Rushfield (wittert@xxxxxxxx
or 718-575-2702) who will be sending a group order to Italy.

Merletti e Ricami Italianai (Italian Laces and Embroideries)
Edizioni Nuova SI, 2005, 192 pp.  30 Euros
The catalogue of the 2nd International Forum of  Lace and
Embroidery which displayed contemporary lace and
embroidery based on traditional 16th century techniques
Contents (parallel texts in Italian and English):
"Laces and embroideries from the 16th century and today",
by Thesssy Schoenholzer-Nichols
(a proposal of groups and comparisons)
"The Origins"
(studies on lace works and embroideries based on pattern
books from the 15th and early 16th centuries"
(Italian techniques)
"I would like to be understood without speaking... Laces,
embroideries and pattern books in the 16th century",
by Marialuisa Rizzini
"Elisa Ricci: Embroideries, Laces, Books",
by Bianca Rosa Bellomo

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