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Re: custom archival boxes


Now that Archivart has been bought by Neilson Bainbridge, and Abby Shaw is in change, I'd try them.  She has been in the field a long time and knows textile needs and may be very receptive to making a die for what you need.  I spoke with her at the AIC meeting about some of the things I'd like to see them stock and felt I was talking to a very receptive ear.


Textile Conservation
The Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Boulevard
Cleveland, OH  44106
216/707-2259 (phone)
216/229-2881 (fax)

-----Original Message-----
From: Textile Conservators [mailto:TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Beth Szuhay
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:20 PM
To: TEXCONS@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: custom archival boxes

I am writing to ask if anyone has a contact for a company that makes custom, over-sized (27" x 38" x 15") acid-free cardboard boxes.  We are looking to get a large number made for use in our new storage facilities.
Thank you,
Beth Szuhay
Textile Conservator
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

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