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natural fibre samples

Spring greetings!

I give workshops in fibre identification and am collecting visual aids
and teaching materials to enhance the experience. In particular, I am
looking for raw fibre and/or yarn samples of the following:
- leaf fibres
- Peruvian cotton of various natural colours
- Alpaca hair of various natural colours
- wild silk (or semi-cultivated: not Bombyx Mori) fibre of fabric from
Africa, China and Japan. Cocoons would be great.

Likely sources are probably fibre craft suppliers, speciality fibre
promotion institutes or friendly manufacturers.
Hopefully this request to the international community of textile
specialists will result in more direct hits than Google.
If you have any ideas for me, please let me know.

Jennifer Barnett regina textilia: historical textiles research & consultation Oude Looiersstraat 65-67 1016 VH Amsterdam Netherlands tel/fax ** 31 (0)20 427 18 27 reginatextilia@xxxxxxxx

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