TexCons - Subject Thread Index for Jun 2004

Last updated: Sat Sep 11 01:01:05 GMT 2004
12 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

  • Re: Call For Papers - North American Textile Conservation 2005 Conference (This is a message from Lynda Hillyer. lyndah@vam.ac.uk), Lynda Hillyer
  • Call For Papers - North American Textile Conservation 2005 Conference, Claudia Iannuccilli
  • Re: Milton's workshop, Mary Ballard
  • Position at the University of Alberta, Irene Karsten
  • Under the patronage of ICOM, UNESCO (Croatian Commission), EUROPA NOSTRA, ICOMOS - Invitation to International heritage forum "The Best in Heritage", The Best in Heritage
  • AIC, Nancy Love
  • ICOM-CC Textile Working Group Newsletter #20, Mary Ballard

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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